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Installing GSA-Grasshopper plugin

Rhino Package Manager

The GSA-Grasshopper plugin is made available through Rhino Package Manager and Food4Rhino.


Already got Rhino installed? Simply click this link to open package manager in Rhino.

Alternatively, you can follow the steps below.

Installation steps:

  1. Type PackageManager in the Rhino command line.
  2. Search for GSA.
  3. Select GSA from the list, select the latest version and then click the Install button.
  4. Restart Rhino.


Updating GSA-Grasshopper plugin


The plugin is in active development with new versions being released frequently. It is recommended to always use the latest version.

To update the plugin, simply follow the steps above and check if you are on the latest version. If there is an update available you can see that on the highlighted bit in the image below:
