# Form-Finding Analysis

This can find the geometry of an artificial structure that is in equilibrium with user defined internal and external forces and constraints. There are two types of artificial structures available: soap-film structures to model membranes, and force-density structures to model cable nets.

When a form-finding analysis converges, the nodal co-ordinate data is overwritten with the deformed shape, and load cases are created from the equilibrium element distortions. Therefore the form-finding analysis method is suitable for investigating construction sequences of non-linear structures using the option “form-finding analysis – ignoring form-finding properties”.

Before embarking on a form-finding exercise consider the approximate shape and the boundary conditions required. This should include estimating the average radii of curvature of membranes and boundary cables, and identifying fixed high and low points. Use approximate hand calculations to estimate the state of equilibrium prestress that will result.