- 2D circular mesh1
- 2D derived force results1
- 2D element1
- 2D element displacements1
- 2D element edge loads1
- 2D element face loads1
- 2D element facet angle1
- 2D Element Loading2
- 2D element loads1
- 2D element pre-stress loads1
- 2D element stresses1
- 2D element thermal loads1
- 2D elements9
- 2D elliptical mesh1
- 2D entity loading1
- 2D members2
- 2D orthogonal mesh1
- 2D polylines1
- 2D properties2
- 2D skew mesh1
- 3D element1
- 3D element displacements1
- 3D element face loads1
- 3D element stresses1
- 3D element thermal loads1
- 3D elements1
- 3D orthogonal mesh1
- abs combination case operator1
- accelerators1
- Accidental Torsion Load1
- ACI1
- Acknowledgements1
- ADC1
- add elements sculpt tool1
- Add Nodes command1
- add nodes sculpt tool1
- Add String of 1D Elements command1
- adornments1
- advanced preferences1
- AISC LRFD checker1
- AISC360 checker1
- align1
- alignment1
- alignments2
- Allman-Cook1
- aluminium1
- Analyse All command1
- Analyse All Marked Tasks command1
- analysis26
- analysis cases2
- analysis envelopes2
- analysis features1
- Analysis Layer in graphic views1
- analysis materials1
- analysis options1
- Analysis Progress Dialog1
- analysis specification1
- Analysis Stage1
- analysis stages8
- analysis tasks1
- analysis tasks and cases2
- Analysis Wizard25
- Animate1
- Animate command1
- animation2
- Animation Settings command1
- Annotate Selection command1
- annotating graphic diagrams etc1
- annotation of diagrams options1
- Append GWA data1
- applied displacements1
- Apply Adornments to Selection command1
- areas3
- AS1
- AS41002
- AS4100 checker2
- ASCE 7 -051
- ASCII (GWA) file1
- Assemblies3
- assembly1
- Assembly Operations1
- auto views1
- AutoCAD2
- automatic constraints1
- automatic increment1
- axes13
- Axes command1
- Axes Dialog1
- axis1
- axismmetric1
- backup1
- backups1
- bar1
- base1
- basic concepts in GSA1
- Batch Analysis command1
- batch output file formats1
- batch printing views and view lists1
- beam2
- beam cross strain energy density1
- beam derived stresses1
- beam displacements1
- beam distortion loads1
- beam forces1
- beam layout1
- Beam Loading1
- beam loads1
- beam pre-stress loads1
- beam sections1
- beam strain energy density1
- beam stresses1
- beam thermal loads1
- beams3
- bearings1
- beta angle1
- BIM2
- BIM Compatibility1
- blank in tables1
- block1
- Blocks1
- bricks1
- bridge4
- bridge analysis2
- bridge analysis specification1
- bridge beams1
- bridge modelling1
- Bridge Options Dialog1
- bridges1
- broadening1
- BS1
- BS5950 checker1
- buckling analysis1
- buckling analysis results1
- Buckling checks2
- buckling parameters1
- building1
- cables1
- case description1
- case descriptions1
- cases13
- cases set up1
- catalogue1
- CEAP Modal Damping1
- cell operators1
- centre-only results1
- chart view1
- chart views7
- Check8
- Check Data command1
- check for completeness1
- Chinese Standards1
- clean1
- Clear Colour Modifications command1
- clipboard2
- Codes1
- coexistent values in envelopes1
- coexistent values in output view envelopes1
- coincidence tolerance1
- coincident elements2
- coincident nodes3
- Collapse Coincident Nodes command1
- colour2
- colour elements by property etc.1
- colours1
- colours in graphic views1
- column layout1
- COM interface1
- COM numeric precision1
- COM version1
- combination cases4
- Combine model1
- command file (GWC)1
- command line interface1
- Command Toolbar1
- company information1
- company name1
- Comparing models1
- Concrete3
- concrete beam1
- concrete beam design2
- concrete slab3
- condition number1
- conflicting constraints1
- Connect 1D Elements command1
- Connect 1D Elements Dialog1
- connecting 1D elements graphically1
- constraint equations1
- constraints10
- construction (analysis) stages4
- construction grid1
- contact3
- contour barrel widths in graphic views1
- Contour Settings command1
- Contour Settings Dialog1
- Contour Values Dialog1
- contours1
- contours on graphic views1
- Contours Toolbar1
- control1
- Convert Nodes to Grid command1
- Convert Nodes to Standard command1
- convert orientation node to angle1
- coordinates2
- Copy5
- copy and paste analysis tasks and cases1
- Copy command3
- Copy Selection command1
- copying1
- Copying between tables and spreadsheets1
- create3
- Create 2D Edge Load command1
- Create 2D Face Load command1
- Create 2D Pre-stress command1
- Create 2D Thermal Load command1
- create a new raft model1
- Create Applied Displacement command1
- Create Beam Distortion command1
- Create Beam Load command1
- Create Beam Thermal Load command1
- Create Facade List1
- Create Footfall Response Data command1
- Create Gravity Load command1
- Create Grid Area Load command1
- Create Grid Line Load command1
- Create Grid Plane command1
- Create Grid Point Load command1
- Create Joints command1
- create load panels on element list1
- create load panels on facade1
- create mass from grid loads1
- create mass from loads1
- Create Members from Elements1
- create nodal mass1
- Create Node Load command1
- Create Patterned Load Combinations1
- Create Patterned Loads1
- Create Pre-stress command1
- Create Rigid Constraints command1
- Create Settlement command1
- create storeys1
- Create User Axes command1
- Create User Axes Dialog1
- creep2
- cross strain energy density1
- Cross Strain Energy Density Results command1
- CSA1
- CSV1
- CSV (GWA) file1
- CSV file2
- current grid2
- current polyline in Graphic Views1
- Cursor Mode Toolbar1
- cursor modes1
- Curve Data Selection Dialog1
- curves3
- custom1
- custom links2
- Cut2
- Cut section forces1
- cutting1
- cutting 1D elements graphically1
- cylindrical axes fundamentals1
- dampers1
- damping7
- data3
- data generation14
- Data Management2
- Data Options Toolbar1
- data preferences1
- data scaling unreliable message1
- decking slab1
- Decrease Precision command1
- default view settings2
- Define Current Grid command1
- defining current grid1
- definition11
- definition axes1
- definition dialogs32
- Deformation Settings command1
- Deformation Settings Dialog1
- deformed geometry1
- Deformed Image command1
- deformed image on graphic views1
- Delete All Polyline command1
- Delete All Results command1
- Delete command2
- Delete Displayed Loading command1
- Delete Element command1
- Delete Element Loading command1
- delete in tables1
- Delete Member command1
- Delete Nodal Loading command1
- Delete Node command1
- Delete Polyline Point command1
- delete results1
- Delete Results From Files command1
- deleting nodes and elements1
- derived stress output1
- descriptions1
- design4
- Design Codes2
- design features1
- Design Layer in graphic views1
- design pools4
- design specification1
- design task4
- destabilizing load1
- Diagram Settings command1
- diagrams4
- diagrams on graphic views1
- Diagrams Toolbar1
- dialogs90
- Disconnect Elements command1
- Disconnect Elements Dialog1
- disconnecting elements graphically1
- displacements5
- Display Methods Dialog1
- display methods in graphic views1
- display options10
- distortion loads1
- Double size of diagrams command1
- drag nodes sculpt tool1
- Drag on node - Co-locate command1
- Drag on node - Collapse command1
- Drag on node - Ignore command1
- Drag on node - Joint command1
- Draw Selection command1
- drawing part of the model1
- drilling degrees of freedom1
- dummy elements1
- dummy mass1
- Dynamic analysis2
- dynamic analysis results1
- dynamic load2
- dynamic load factor1
- dynamic relaxation1
- dynamic response1
- EC3 checker1
- edge1
- edge loads1
- edges of elements1
- Edit Design Property command1
- Edit Element command1
- Edit Material command1
- Edit Member command1
- Edit Node command1
- Edit Property command1
- Edit Restraint Property command1
- Edit Section Property command1
- editing models in graphics1
- effective lengths2
- Effective mass1
- eigensolver1
- eigenvalue2
- eigenvalue buckling analysis2
- eigenvalue buckling results1
- Element2
- element formulation1
- Element Properties command1
- element user modules1
- elements41
- EN19931
- EN1993 checker1
- EN19933 checker1
- End condition1
- End stiffness1
- Engineering Scale command1
- engineering scale for structure1
- entities1
- Entity Selection Mode1
- envelope subject component1
- enveloping3
- enveloping in output views1
- environmental impact3
- environmental impact specification1
- equivalent static load2
- error messages1
- error norm1
- Eurocode4
- Eurocode 31
- Evaluating expressions1
- Expand Bridge Loading1
- Expand Grid Loading1
- Explicit3
- explicit solver1
- explicit time-history2
- Explode1
- Explorer Panes1
- export13
- Export command2
- Export Member Input Data to CSV Dialog1
- export options1
- Expressions3
- extents of output1
- external matrix1
- extract1
- extrude2
- Extrude Dialog1
- Extrude Selection command1
- Eye Distance In command1
- Eye Distance Out command1
- fabric1
- fabric structures1
- fabricated1
- facade1
- facade list1
- face1
- face IDs1
- face loads1
- facet angle of 2D elements1
- field types1
- file backups1
- file locations1
- find1
- Find command2
- Find Dialog1
- find in Graphic Views1
- fire analysis1
- Flex Dialog1
- Flex Selection command1
- flexing lines of nodes graphically1
- flip1
- Flip Elements command1
- folders1
- font2
- fonts1
- footfall analysis2
- footfall analysis parameters1
- footfall response1
- Footfall Response Data Dialog1
- force density2
- force density form-finding1
- forces3
- Forces on 2D Element Cut command1
- form finding options1
- form-finding5
- format1
- format of numeric output1
- formats1
- frequency damping table1
- FRP1
- Further Options Dialog1
- Further Options Dialog (output)1
- GB 50011-20011
- generalised restraints1
- generate2
- Generate assemblies1
- generate member restraints2
- Generate Static Vehicle Load1
- generate steel member restraints1
- Generate User Modules command1
- generating an imperfect geometry1
- generic dynamic analysis parameters1
- Generic periodic load analysis1
- geometric section1
- geometric stiffness2
- geometry1
- geometry checks1
- glass1
- global cylindrical1
- go to1
- Go To command2
- Go to Design Property Data command1
- Go To Dialog1
- Go to Element Data command1
- Go to Material Data command1
- Go to Member Data command1
- Go to Node Data command1
- Go to Property Data command1
- Go to Restraint Property Data command1
- Go to Section Property Data command1
- Graft model1
- Graphic Display Toolbar1
- Graphic Fonts and Styles Dialog1
- Graphic Settings command1
- graphic view1
- Graphic view settings1
- Graphic view wizard1
- graphic views41
- graphics2
- Graphics Palettes1
- gravity1
- gravity loads1
- grid2
- grid area loads1
- grid axes1
- Grid command1
- grid coordinates1
- grid frame1
- grid layouts1
- grid line loads1
- grid lines3
- Grid Load2
- grid loading6
- grid loads3
- grid nodes1
- Grid output view1
- grid planes4
- grid point loads1
- grid surfaces2
- Grid Window command1
- grids1
- Ground View command1
- group1
- GSA4
- GSA Dialog1
- GSA Toolbar1
- GsBridge control1
- GsRaft Analysis Progress Dialog1
- GsRaft control1
- GsRaft progress1
- GsRelax analysis progress information1
- GsRelax analysis task control1
- GsRelax member identification1
- GSRevit6
- GWA file3
- GWA Import Options Dialog1
- GWA numeric precision1
- GWC command file1
- Halve size of diagrams command1
- Harmonic analysis2
- harmonic analysis parameters1
- Hide Areas command1
- Hide Contours command1
- Hide Diagrams command1
- Hide Elements command1
- Hide Labels command1
- Hide Lines command1
- Hide Members command1
- Hide Regions command1
- Highlight Coincident Elements command1
- Highlight Coincident Nodes command1
- Highlight Edges command1
- history1
- HKSUOS checker1
- hollow slab1
- Hong Kong2
- hourglass control1
- IBC2
- Identify1
- ill conditioning1
- imperfect geometry1
- imperfection1
- import5
- Import GWA data1
- import options1
- Incompatible1
- Increase Precision command1
- Indian Standards1
- influence analysis1
- Influence effects2
- initial pre-load1
- input data1
- input preferences1
- Insert command1
- insert in tables1
- intermediate beam forces1
- intermediate displacements and forces1
- Invert Selection command2
- IRS1
- IS1
- IS 18931
- IS800 checker1
- Isometric command1
- Itailian1
- Join String of 1D Elements command1
- Join String of Lines command1
- joining strings of 1D elements graphically1
- joining strings of lines graphically1
- joints4
- labels1
- Labels and Display Methods command2
- Labels and Display Methods Dialog1
- Labels in graphic views1
- Labels Toolbar1
- lane-by-lane path optinisation1
- legend panel in graphics1
- licence1
- lighting settings1
- Lighting Settings command1
- line segment1
- line segnment section1
- linear static analysis1
- Linear time history analysis1
- linear time history analysis parameters1
- lines5
- link1
- links2
- Lists5
- Lists Toolbar1
- load cases3
- load curve3
- load panels4
- loading21
- loads26
- local axes1
- Local checks2
- Manage Tasks command1
- manage user modules1
- manual backup1
- Manual Backup command1
- Map Beam Loads on 1D Elements command1
- Map beam loads on beam elements1
- Map Face Loads on 2D Elements command1
- Map node loads on nodes1
- Map Node Loads on Nodes command1
- Map pressures on 2D elements1
- mapping file1
- margin around image1
- Mark Task For Analysis command1
- marking views and view lists for printing and saving to file1
- MASIL parameters1
- mass4
- mass calculation1
- mass matrix1
- masses2
- Material | Material Grades | Steel1
- material grade8
- material map1
- material properties1
- materials1
- matrix2
- matrix singularity1
- matrix solver1
- max combination case operator1
- Member5
- Member Properties command1
- member restraints3
- member user modules1
- members19
- mesh2
- messages in report1
- methods1
- min combination case operator1
- Miscellaneous3
- Modal analysis details1
- modal analysis results1
- modal damping1
- modal dynamic parameters1
- modal dynamics1
- modal force1
- modal P-delta analysis1
- mode damping table1
- model5
- Model comparison1
- model stability1
- modelling9
- modelling implications1
- modify1
- Modify Colour command1
- Modify Colour of Selection command1
- Modify Colour of This command1
- Modify command1
- Modify Curve Dialog1
- Modify Dialog1
- Modify Elements command1
- modify elements sculpt tool1
- modify linear 2D to parabolic1
- Modify Nodes command1
- modify nodes sculpt tool1
- modify properties1
- modifylparabolic 2D to linear1
- Morison1
- mouse sensitivity preferences1
- move3
- Move Selection command1
- multi-page tables1
- multiple increment1
- NASTRAN Export Options Dialog1
- New Analysis Task command1
- New Graphic View (main thread) command1
- New Graphic View command1
- new model2
- new model wizard4
- New Output View command2
- nodal user modules1
- Nodal User Modules command1
- node loads1
- Node Properties command1
- node to 2D element1
- nodes25
- non-linear2
- non-linear analysis3
- non-linear buckling analysis1
- non-linear spring1
- non-linear static1
- non-stiff degrees of freedom1
- nonlinear1
- nonlinear analysis5
- nonlinear buckling analysis1
- nonlinear spring1
- nonlinear static1
- Nonlinear static analysis1
- nonlinear static options1
- numeric format2
- Numeric Format command1
- Numeric Format Dialog1
- numeric formats1
- numeric output format1
- offset1
- offsets4
- open command file (GWC)1
- OpenSees1
- OpenSees Export Options Dialog1
- operations1
- operators2
- Optimise Path Loading1
- optimising enveloping1
- options5
- Orientation1
- orientation angle1
- orientation node1
- Orientation Settings Dialog1
- Orientation Toolbar1
- orthogonal frame2
- output10
- Output command1
- output options26
- Output Panes1
- output preferences1
- output view3
- output view settings2
- output views5
- P-delta analysis1
- P-delta modal dynamic analysis1
- P-delta results1
- P-delta Ritz analysis1
- page setup1
- Page Setup command2
- Pan Down command1
- Pan Left command1
- Pan Right command1
- Pan Up command1
- panels2
- Paste1
- Paste command2
- paste special Dialog1
- pasting in tables1
- path generation1
- Path Loading dialog1
- paths2
- patterned load3
- Pdisp2
- PDisp1
- perimeter1
- periodic load analysis1
- permutations1
- Pick Colour of This command1
- pick tolerance1
- piled-raft1
- piled-raft analysis1
- pitched portal frame1
- Plan command1
- plane strain1
- plane stress1
- Planes1
- PNG1
- point voids1
- points1
- Polyline Properties command1
- polylines5
- pools1
- portal frame2
- positive result1
- post-analysis1
- Prat truss1
- pre-load1
- pre-stress 2D loads1
- pre-stress beam loads1
- precision1
- preferences2
- preferred folders1
- preferred units1
- preferred views4
- principal axes1
- print1
- print by case2
- Print command2
- Print Preview command2
- printing2
- printing from graphic views1
- printing from output views1
- profile3
- program features1
- programming interface1
- Progress Dialog1
- projected axes1
- properties24
- property map1
- Property Pane1
- property tables1
- Pseudo response spectrum analysis2
- Pseudo response spectrum parameters2
- raft4
- raft analysis2
- raft analysis data requirements1
- raft analysis notes1
- raft results1
- raft solution method1
- randomized load vector1
- rationalise sections1
- rationalize1
- RC beam3
- RC beam design1
- RC column1
- RC member3
- RC slab3
- RC slab reinforcement design1
- reactions1
- redo1
- reduced integration1
- reference point2
- Refine Mesh at Nodes command2
- Refine Quad Elements command2
- Refine Quad Elements Dialog1
- Regenerate command1
- regions3
- reinforcement1
- Reinforcement Template1
- Release1
- renumbering1
- repeated freedoms1
- replace1
- Replace command1
- Replace Dialog1
- replica1
- Rescale Data command1
- Reset Display Adornments command1
- Reset Pan command1
- Reset to All Entities command2
- resetting graphics display adornments1
- resetting graphics entities1
- residual1
- response2
- Response spectrum14
- Response spectrum analysis4
- Response spectrum parameters1
- response spectrums1
- Restore Manual Backup command1
- Restore Timed Backup command1
- restraints2
- result2
- results5
- Revit1
- Revit link5
- right click menu1
- right click menus in graphic views1
- rigid constraints2
- Rigorous or fast1
- Ritz analysis1
- Ritz analysis parameters1
- Ritz P-delta analysis1
- rods1
- roof truss1
- Round Coordinates command1
- rounding coordinates graphically1
- run by command file (GWC)1
- SANS10162 checker1
- SAP20001
- Save Default View Settings1
- Save Graphic View1
- Save Output View1
- Save Selection As 2D Polyline command1
- Save Selection As List command1
- saved image settings1
- saved view1
- saved views4
- saving to file2
- scale2
- Scale to fit command1
- scaling2
- Scaling of modal results1
- sculpt30
- sculpt tool4
- Sculpt Toolbar1
- sculpting2
- section15
- section analysis properties1
- section design pools1
- Section Display command1
- section mapping1
- section profile1
- sections7
- SED1
- seismic5
- Seismic analysis2
- Select 2D Polyline command1
- Select All command2
- Select Clost To Vertical 1D Elements command1
- Select Highest Coincident command1
- Select List command1
- Select None command2
- Select Out-Of-Range command1
- Select Polyline command1
- Select String command2
- selecting entities in sculpt1
- selection1
- serviceability1
- Set Current Grid to This1
- Set Current Grid to This command1
- sets1
- settings23
- settlements1
- shade surfaces1
- Shade Surfaces command1
- shading surfaces1
- shell1
- Shine Light From Here command1
- shortcuts1
- show in Graphic Views1
- Shrink command1
- shrinking elements1
- sIDs2
- signabs combination case operator1
- simple beams1
- simple static analysis1
- single increment1
- single tables1
- size columns to fit1
- size rows to fit1
- Skew View command1
- slab reinforcement design1
- sliding joints1
- Snap - Align with Grid Axis command, adding elements1
- Snap - Centre command, adding elements1
- Snap - Perpendicular command, adding elements1
- Snap to Grid Points command1
- soap film2
- soap film form-finding1
- soil5
- soil interaction2
- soil profiles2
- Soil zones3
- soil-structure analysis1
- soil-structure interaction1
- solid sections in graphic views1
- solver options1
- solver preferences1
- space1
- spacers4
- spans1
- sparse direct solver1
- specification6
- spectrums1
- spherical axes fundamentals1
- Spin 2D Elements command1
- Split 1D Elements command1
- Split 1D Elements Dialog1
- Split Quad Elements command2
- Split Quad Elements Dialog1
- Split Quad to Tri elements command2
- Split Tri Elements command2
- Split Tri Elements Dialog1
- split warped 2D elements1
- splitting elements1
- Spreadsheet Format command1
- spreadsheets2
- spring2
- spring properties1
- spring support1
- springs3
- SSI1
- stages3
- standard shape1
- Standard Toolbar1
- startup1
- static analysis2
- static analysis cases1
- static analysis results1
- static p-delta1
- Statica1
- Steel5
- steel design4
- steel design results1
- steel member1
- steel member restraints2
- steel members2
- step by step20
- stiffness matrix2
- stiffness options1
- Stop1
- Stop command1
- Storey Displacements and Forces command2
- storey masses1
- storey views1
- storeys2
- straighten edges1
- Straighten Spacing Evenly command1
- Straighten Spacing Proportionally command1
- straightening lines of nodes graphically1
- straightness tolerance1
- strain energy density1
- strength1
- stress averaging1
- stress output3
- string IDs2
- structure1
- Structure comparison1
- structure types1
- styles2
- sub-model1
- subject component in output view envelopes1
- subspace iteration1
- summary output1
- superseded1
- surface1
- surface shading2
- Surfaces1
- sustainainability1
- Switch Layer in graphic views1
- symbol sizes in graphic views1
- synchronise1
- syntax1
- Tab Separate Tables command1
- table views3
- tables8
- task view1
- task view right-click menu1
- tasks3
- tasks (analysis) and cases1
- Template1
- tendon1
- tendon positions1
- termination1
- termination time1
- Text (GWA) file1
- thermal 2D loads1
- thermal beam loads1
- Third Party1
- Third Party components1
- Tied Interfaces2
- timber1
- Time history4
- Time history analysis1
- time step1
- timed backup2
- Timeline3
- titles3
- tolerances3
- toolbars13
- tools2
- torce lines1
- totals in output1
- touch gestures1
- touch screen1
- Transform geometry1
- Transform Geometry command1
- triangles2
- trim1
- trimming 1D elements graphically1
- truss3
- TXT1
- TXT file2
- UBC2
- UK1
- undo2
- undo steps1
- units9
- Units command1
- Unlock File command1
- unreliable data scaling1
- unwrap mode1
- Unwrap Settings command1
- update1
- user axes2
- user modules2
- user-defined materials1
- utilization1
- variable Loads1
- variable UDLs1
- VBA interface1
- vehicles2
- vertical1
- Vierendeel1
- View List Dialog1
- view lists2
- view settings1
- View settings painter3
- views5
- Visual Basic interface1
- volume clipping1
- wall1
- wall/core1
- warped 2D elements1
- Wave loading1
- Weight1
- Welcome to GSA Dialog1
- wheel1
- Wheel Patch Definition1
- wizard3
- Wizard command1
- wizards8
- WMF1
- working with1
- working with GSA1