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Case and Entity Lists

Where relevant, tables are output for those items identified in the case, node, element and member lists. Changing a list from the default to a specific selection refines the content of the table.

Data Extents

Where only a particular range of values of a component are of interest, data extents can be specified. These can be expressed in terms of minimum and/or maximum values, signed or as a magnitude, as an inclusive or exclusive range. When data extents have been activated only records for which the value of the subject component lies within the range are output.


Where data can be enveloped, the output produced consists of the maximum value and minimum value and a reference to an envelope permutation number that produces the maximum or minimum value.

Interacting with Spreadsheets

The spreadsheet format option is offered to assist in the interaction between output views and spreadsheets. Spreadsheet format is selected in the Output wizard: Further options.

Output Summary

Most tables can be summarised by the maximum and minimum values encountered in the table for each component. The maximum and minimum values are displayed in bold; the coexistent components reported in the summary are the same as the coexistent values reported in the table, even when the case being reported is an enveloping case.

Output View Table Format

Tables of output may be formatted by displaying the output in a standard Output view or a Grid output view. Outputs for inspection, presentation or printing are best formatted with a standard Output view, while the Grid output view facilitates the copying of output to spreadsheets.

Output Views

Output views may be used to view input data and results in tabular format. Several output views may be open at a time.

Outputting for a Selection Set of Entities

Sometimes the most convenient method of identifying the entities for which output is required is by selecting the entities in a Graphic view. One way of transporting the current selection set to the entity list for an Output view is to copy the selection in the Graphic view and then paste this into the entity list for the Output view.


This page affects the way output is presented.

Selecting Data to Output

Several tables can be displayed in a single Output view. Do this by using the Ctrl or Shift key to form multiple selections of data tables in the Output settings dialog box. Note that multiple selections may not be formed on the Output explorer.