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3 docs tagged with "Soil zones"

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Create 3D Members from Soil Zones

Raft models are typically set up to include soil zones and soil profiles. The alternative way to analyse the raft-soil interaction is to create a finite element model of the soil using 3D elements. This tool loops though the soil zones and soil profiles creating a 3D member for each stratum in the soil profile bounded by the soil zones. An isotropic elastic material is created for each member with an elastic modulus corresponding to the value at the mid-height of the stratum.

Delete 3D Soil Mesh

GA can generate a soil 3D mesh from the definition of soil zones and soil profiles. This options allows the mesh to be deleted prior to modifying ths zone or profile definitions.

Generate Mesh from Soil Zones/Profiles

GSA provide two methods for soil structure analysis. The legacy version defines the soil with profiles and zones. For a finite element approach to modelling the soil the needs to be meshed with brick elements.