# Chart Menus
The right-click (context) menu in chart views is tailored to the data being presented. Certain functionality will always be present, but other items will be present where appropriate.
# Copy and Copy Points
There are two copy options. Copy copies the chart as a graphic which can then be pasted into other documents. Copy Points copies the points in a text format which can be conveniently pasted into spreadsheets such as Excel. This is useful where further calculations based on the GSA results are required.
# Cursor Tooltip
By default no tooltip is displayed, but there are options to display a tooltip within the graph area. The options are
- Coordinates at Cursor – the tooltip displays the abscissa and ordinate values for the current cursor position
- Curve Values at Abscissa – the tooltip displays the values of all curves for the current abscissa position. This may not be useful where there are a large number of curves on the chart.
- Coordinates of Nearest Point – the tooltip displays the coordinate of the nearest point on any of the displayed curves.
# Chart Style
The Chart Style option opens the chart style wizard giving extensive control over the chart.
# Show Symbols
This allows symbols for the nearest curve to be switched on/off.
# Hide Curves
Where there are multiple curves it is useful to be able to switch individual curves on and off. When there are multiple curves the individual curves can be toggled between hide/show. The “Hide” option opens a dialog listing all the curves. A multiple selection allows a quick switching on or off of a block of curves. Hide all and show all act as the names suggest.
# Rescale & Zoom
Curves can be rescaled to fit and zoomed in or out from the menu, although zooming is more easily controlled by the mouse wheel.
# Line Weight
The allows the lines weight to be increased or decreased. This can be useful to help see the individual curves more easily.
# Curve Style
When near to a curve there is an option to edit the style of that curve. This allows the colour, line style and weight, symbols etc. to be modified for that curve.
# Save Image
There are a number of options for saving the charts in a graphical form. Select the appropriate file type from png and jpeg.
# Export
The export option allows either individual or all curves to be exported. These can be exported as csv curves for import to spreadsheets, cur files for import to Oasys T/HIS and crv files.
# Open in Sigraph
The chart presents a set of results and while the style of the chart and curves can be changed, no post-processing of this data is permitted. When further processing of a curve or curves is required the data can be exported to Oasys Sigraph which is designed for manipulation of chart data such as summing, differentiating, fitting curves, etc.