# Preferences : Input

This page handles preferences that relate to the input data.

# Definition


Defined the precision to which new nodes are located.

Show Drop-down Lists

When tables require a selection from a set of options this can either be displayed as a conventional drop-down, or can be an edit file which matches the options as the user types.

Number of analysis case factors in combination tables

For simple combinations of analysis cases it can be convenient to specify analysis case factors directly in a spreadsheet style, but the number of fields depends on the number of analysis cases in the model. Set the number of analysis cases to be accommodated in the combination cases table, here.

Undo – Number of undo steps

The limit to the number of operations that are preserved in the undo and redo buffers. Refer to Working with the Program – Undo and Redo for more details.

Undo analysis and design task results

Enables the option to undo analysis and design. Refer to Working with the Program – Undo and Redo for more details.

Material models

GSA has a limited number of material models which can be used in analysis, however it has links to other programs which include many more material models. This provides an option to offer material models specific to LS-DYNA (opens new window) and  OpenSees (opens new window).