# Section Modifiers
Normally the section properties are derived from the section geometry, but in some cases it is convenient to modify some of the parameters.
# Definition
Bending Axes
The section can be considered to bend about either the local (
Analysis Reference Point
In defining a section the reference point may be adjusted, but this can be overridden for the analysis if required.
Modifiers can be applied to any of the section properties. The modification can be
by – values modified by a factor
to – values modified to a value
Of significance is the special case of modifying the
Stress Calculation
Applying modifiers to the section means that the stress calculation is not straightforward, so there are options:
- Don't calculate
- Use unmodified properties
- Use modified properties
# Miscellaneous
The clear modifiers option returns the properties to standard properties derived from the section.
The simple beams option sets the shear factor to zero so that shear stiffness terms are not included in the calculation.
The multiple sections option is mainly intended for situations where there are several physical sections modelled as a single section property but where the properties are simply a multiple of the base properties, for example a hanger which may comprise two identical bars which act together but don’t interact with each other.
When defining the properties of a section for bending there are three second moments of area,