# Soap Film 1D

# Definition


The name is only used as a convenient way of identifying a form-finding property.


If a local axis is used, the force in the Bar, Tie and Strut elements that use this property will be equal to that defined in Force column.

If a user defined axis number is input, the projected element force along the X axis direction of this axis set will be constant and equal to the force defined. This can be used to model prestressing using hanging weights supported by inclined ties. Here the force is constant in a projected direction, and the element force varies as the element local axis moves.


The constant force (in the x-axis direction of the axis defined by column) of Bar, Tie and Strut elements that use this property in soap-film form-finding analysis. The Young’s modulus of these elements will be set to zero in the form-finding analysis in order to achieve constant axial force.