# Node parameter


GSA-Grasshopper plugin [GsaGH] is pre-release and under active development, including further testing to be undertaken. It is provided "as-is" and you bear the risk of using it. Future versions may contain breaking changes. Any files, results, or other types of output information created using GsaGH should not be relied upon without thorough and independent checking.


# Description

In GSA, Nodes are the only objects containing spacial geometrical information (X, Y, Z coordinates). The node numbers are referred to by elements and members in their topology lists. This is possible because everything belongs to a single model, and the information does not need to be duplicated in the elements and members.

In GsaGH, on the other hand, all parameters (nodes, elements and members) exist independently from each other. For instance, an Element1D in GsaGH keeps a copy of its start and end points, which is taken care of by the plugin. Nodes almost only need to be used for defining supports.

# GSA reference

GSA Nodes

# Properties

Icon Name Description
Integer ID GSA node number (default = 0). The value will automatically be set when assembling a model, but you can override this by setting it to anything but zero.
Point3d Position Position of the node represented by a Grasshopper Point3d.
Bool6 Restraint Restraint of the node as a Bool6 parameter.
Plane Local axis Local axis (default = WorldXY) represented by a Grasshopper Plane.
Text Name Node name.
Colour Colour Node colour.