# Parameters


GSA-Grasshopper plugin [GsaGH] is pre-release and under active development, including further testing to be undertaken. It is provided "as-is" and you bear the risk of using it. Future versions may contain breaking changes. Any files, results, or other types of output information created using GsaGH should not be relied upon without thorough and independent checking.

GsaGH introduces a new set of Grasshopper (floating) parameters. Parameters are what is passed from one component's output to another component's input. Parameters

# Parameters

Property parameters Geometry parameters Other parameters
Material Material Node Node Model GSA model
Section Section Element1D Element1D Load Load
Property2D 2D property Element2D Element2D GridPlane Grid plane surface
Property3D 3D property Element3D Element3D AnalysisCase Analysis case
SectionModifier SectionModifier Member1D Member1D AnalysisTask Analysis task
Bool6 Bool6 Member2D Member2D Result Result
Offset Offset Member3D Member3D