# Diagram settings

The Diagram settings dialog box allows the parameters that govern the display of diagrams to be specified.

This is a multi-paged dialog box. Each page holds the settings for one diagram. On entry, each currently specified diagram appears on a separate page and the last page is named New diagram. The new diagram page may be used to specify another diagram in addition to what is already displayed. Alternatively existing diagrams may be re-specified.

Some of the more frequently used diagrams may also be switched from the Diagrams toolbar.

Open this dialog box by giving the Graphics > Display > Settings > Diagram settings menu command or from the Graphic display toolbar when the current view is a Graphic View. This dialog box may also be opened from the Graphic settings dialog box.

# Definition

# Data (tree control)

The selected data will be represented as a diagram for all cases in the Cases list on the Lists toolbar.

# Reset

Resets all settings except the data type to the default view settings.

# Clear

Clears the current diagram.

# Draw loads as components in output axes directions

When checked, loading diagrams are drawn as three components in output axes directions. Otherwise loading is shown in the direction in which it is applied. (Beam loading is always broken down into components in output axes directions.)

# Output of 2D element results, stress layer

Select whether diagrams are to be of top, middle, bottom or bending stresses.

This is enabled only when a 2D element result is selected.

# Output of 2D element results, centre values only

When checked, diagrams are drawn at the centre position on the element only and not the nodal positions.

This is enabled only when a 2D element result is selected.

# Output of 2D element results, average stresses and forces at nodes

When checked, results are averaged across elements at common nodes. (See stress averaging in 2D elements for details.)

This is enabled only when a 2D element result is selected and when Centre values only is not selected.

# Data extents, activate extents

When checked, a range of interest, or extents, can be specified. Portions of diagrams that do not lie within the specified extents are drawn faint (but see hide excluded diagrams, below).

# Data extents, min. and max.

These specify the minimum and maximum extents.

# Data extents: Value / Percent

When Percent is selected the extents specified are interpreted as a percentage of the extents of the diagram data. Otherwise the values are interpreted as being data values in the current diagram units.

# Data extents: Magnitude / Signed

When Magnitude is selected the sign (+ or −) of the diagram data values is ignored. Otherwise the sign is taken into account.

When Exclusive is selected values within the extents are deemed to be out of range. Otherwise values within extents are within range.

# Data extents: Hide excluded diagrams

When checked the out of range portions of diagrams are not displayed. Otherwise the out of range portions of diagrams are drawn feint.

# Annotate envelope

When annotating envelope diagrams select whether to annotate the minimum and maximum, minimum only or maximum only values.

# Draw diagrams in plane of picture

When checked, all diagrams are drawn in the plane of the picture regardless of the direction associated with the data being represented. This allows diagrams to be displayed when the orientation of the image would otherwise cause the diagram to be invisible; for example, when drawing vertical (global Z direction) loads on a plan view.

# Draw simple diagrams

When checked, diagrams are drawn in their simplest state. Normally diagrams along 1D elements are drawn with bars at points along the element at which values have been calculated. Simple diagrams exclude these bars.

# Bridge options

Opens the Bridge options dialog box. The button is enabled only when a relevant data option is selected.

# 1D element results

Opens the 1D element results dialog box for the specification of the positions along 1D elements at which displacements and forces are to be calculated.

# Units

Opens the Units dialog box for the specification of the units in which the diagram values are to be expressed.

# Numeric format

Opens the Numeric format dialog box for the specification of the numeric format in which the diagram values are to be expressed.

# Axes

Opens the Axis dialog box for the specification of the axes in which the diagram values are to be transformed.

# Further options

Opens the Further options dialog box.

# Apply

Applies the current settings to the image without exiting the dialog box.

# See also:


Scaling of diagrams, contours and deformations