# Advanced Solver Settings : Eigensolution

Both the modal dynamic analysis and buckling analysis make use of an eigensolver. These are iterative so it is useful to be able control the solution procedure.

# Definition


There are two eigensolvers available in GSA: Subspace Iteration and Spectra.

Maximum Number of Iterations

The maximum number of iterations can be set here and the associated convergence tolerance.

Number of Subspace Vectors

The number of subspace vectors (always higher than the number of modes requested) has an impact on the progress of the iteration. Select ‘auto’ to use GSA defaults but in case convergence is slow, try a number between 1.1 times to 2 times the number of modes requested.

Shift Strategy

The shift strategy accelerates the solution in the case of dynamic analysis (but not currently in buckling) so it must be set to ‘None’ when doing a buckling analysis. For dynamic analysis, select ‘Aggressive’ for fast convergence and use ‘Conservative’ or ‘None’ only if there are issues converging with aggressive. This is only available for the Subspace Iteration option.


The results of a modal analysis are mode shapes which can be scaled arbitrarily. By default modes shapes are normalised so that the maximum displacement is 1m, but different normalisation can be set by selecting an appropriate length unit.

When the analysis is dynamic there is an alternative which is to normalise the modes shape based on the modal mass. This option scales the mode shapes so that the modal mass is 1kg, by default, or to the mass units selected.