# File backups

There are two file backup systems that are in operation while a model is open in GSA: the manual backup and the timed backup. Both systems result in a temporary copy of the model (input data and results) being preserved in the Oasys temporary folder in GWB file format.

When a model is opened, names for the two backup files are assigned. These are the filename with _M or _T appended, for the manual backup and timed backup respectively, followed by a number to uniquely associate the backup name with the GSA session. For example, a timed backup file might be called MyFile_T9.gwb.

A manual backup is made immediately on opening a model. This may be overwritten by the File > Manual backup menu command.

A timed backup is automatically made periodically. The timed backup interval may be adjusted on the Miscellaneous tab of the Preferences. Note that setting the interval to zero results in no timed backups being made; this may be desirable when working with large models that take a long time to save. A timed backup is only made if there has been a change to the data since the last timed backup. The timer is reset when the model is saved or saved as a GWB file.

The File > Restore manual backup command may be used to reset the model in your current GSA session to the state as when the manual backup was taken. The backup data is applied to all views currently open without changing the view settings. For example a Graphic view will continue to display the image as currently orientated with the current adornments set but with the backed-up data applied. The File > Restore timed backup commands operates similarly when a timed backup exists for the model.

The two backup files are automatically deleted when the model is properly closed. However, if the program shuts down prematurely (as a result of program malfunction or power failure, etc.) then the backup files remain on disk. In this circumstance, the next time GSA is run the Welcome dialog invites you to open a backup file. Note the Delete all backup files button on this dialog box that is provided to encourage you to tidy up your Oasys temporary folder.