# Advanced Preferences

The Advanced Preferences dialog is available from the Miscellaneous page of the Preferences. This is where various low level settings can be set including those relating to threading and the behaviour of various view types.

# Graphic View Options

Render Graphic Views in a separate thread – when checked, Graphic Views are rendered in a separate thread allowing other GSA activity to continue during graphics rendering, and the graphics rendering to be interrupted. Note that animation is disabled when this option is not set.

Enforce old OpenGL in Graphic Views – <TO-DO>.

GDI overlay in Graphic Views – when checked, the legend, selection marks and rubber-banding are drawn using GDI. Otherwise these items are drawn using OpenGL or GDI depending on the ‘Crude graphics rendering in Graphic Views’ setting.

Antialiased fonts in Graphic Views – <TO-DO>.

# Output View Options

Render Output Views in a separate thread – when checked, the content of Output Views is prepared in a separate thread allowing other GSA activity to continue during output preparation, and the output preparation to be interrupted.

# Analysis Options

Perform analysis in a separate thread – when checked, analysis is performed in a separate thread allowing other GSA activity to continue during analysis, and analysis to be interrupted.

Number of threads for parallel solver – specifies the number of cores/processors that are to be used by the parallel solver. When set to ‘auto’ all cores/processors available will be used.

# Debug Diagnostics

These should normally be unchecked, but can be useful for tracking down problems in the GSA code.

# General Options

Enable undo for model data – when checked, undo is enabled for edits carried out on the model. Refer to Working with the Program – Undo and Redo for more details.

Use whole model undo logic – changes the way that data is saved to support undoing sculpting and bulk tool edits.