# Preferences : Result

This page affects the way output is presented.

# Definition

Numeric Format

The numeric format governs the way that numbers are output. The settings in the preferences form the default for output and apply to any new output views or diagram. Existing output views and diagrams are not updated but the numeric format can be adjusted for each diagram or output view.

The options are

  • Engineering – numbers are output to the specified number of significant figures with exponents which are multiples of 3
  • Decimal – a number of decimal places is specified
  • Scientific – numbers are output to the specified number of significant figures in exponent form.


The unit separator when outputting dimensional units

Facet Angle

When results for 2D elements are averaged some checks have to be made that stresses should be averaged across elements. When the boundary between elements is not flat but an edge the averaging should not take place. This is determined by the “Facet angle”.

Entity Output

Selecting text output for a large model with many cases can be slow. To speed up the output it can be limited by default to a set number of entities when the total number of entities exceed the user defined limit. This can be adjusted/overridden in the output specification.

2D/3D element analysis results

Full results for 2D and 3D elements (i.e. results at all topology items ) can use lots of memory and this level of detail is often not required, so the results at centre only allows the user to only keep one set of results per element - the values at the element centre.

Selecting text output for a large model with many cases can be slow. To speed up the output it can be limited by default to a set.