# Toolbar: Lists


The Lists toolbar allows the user to select which cases are to be reported and how the content of the display is to be adjusted in a Graphic View or Output View. The width of the toolbar automatically adjusts with the width of the window thereby maximising the size of the Case List and Display List.

Case List – the list of cases that are currently selected.

Next Case – select the next item in the case list pull-down.

Previous Case – select the previous item in the case list pull-down.

Condense Cases – trim down the cases in the drop list to those where there is data

Broadcast case list – Set this case list in all Graphic Views and Output Views

Display Option – the method by which the display content is to be adjusted. This can be by adjusting the list of entities, whether nodes, elements or members, or by selecting a saved view, in which case the settings of the saved view are applied to the current view. In Graphic Views the current grid, layer and stage can also be adjusted.

Display List – the entity list, saved view, layer or stage, depending on the Display Option setting.

Next Display – select the next item in the current display list pull-down.

Previous Display – select the previous item in the current display list pull-down.

Reset To All Entities – the lists are reset to “all” entities. In Graphic Views any specified volumes are also cleared.

Pin Display – When pinned selecting a grid surface of elements also sets that as the current grid plane, and vice versa