# Single and multi-page tables

The simplest type of table in GSA contains data on a single page, which scrolls horizontally as required to give a view on the complete module.

In other cases the data to be displayed is more complex or several data modules are related so it is convenient to display the data on more than one page of a table. This leads to the following options:

For more complex data it is useful to be able to have more than one view on the data in the table, with different pages providing a view on a different subset of the data. An example of this type of table is the Nodes table. Here, it is convenient to separate the node coordinates, constraints and supports on to separate pages. These pages give a view of different parts of the same node record. The complete record can be viewed by selecting the All page.

Another situation where multiple pages are convenient is where each record is in itself a table. In these situations each record forms a page. In these tables the user can right click on the tab to insert or delete pages or change the name of that page. An example of this type of table is the Alignments table, where each alignment is defined by a table of curvature as a function of chainage.

Sometimes it is convenient to be able to group related modules into a single table. An example of this is the Nodal loading table. Here the node loads, applied displacements and settlements are grouped together on a single table: each page of the table relates to a different module.

For the multi-page tables the pages are changed by clicking on the appropriate tab.