# Steel Checks to IS 800

The steel design check supports the IS 800 1984 and 2007 working stress method editions.

# Input data and requirements

All cases provided to the checker are assumed to be working loads.

IS800:1984 does not use Max Plastic/Elastic Ratio specified in the design property.

For Member Restraints, IS800:1984 interprets connection A and B in the following manner.

  • For angle sections A and B stand for longer, shorter leg respectively. Where both legs are connected, both A and B should be set.
  • For I and RHS sections, A stands for the web and B for flange.

# Local Checks

Following Local checks or Section checks are carried out at each end of each subspan.

Shear strength check

Shear is checked only for unstiffened webs. A warning is generated if the web is slender as per IS800:1984 Shear is check to Clause 6.4.1 and 6.4.2.

Torsion checks

At present, any significant torsional moment (greater than 5% of the torsional capacity) causes a warning, because torsion is not explicitly catered for by the code. See BS5950-1:2000 local checks for details.

Bearing capacity checks

At present, bearing capacity checks are ignored.

Axial and bending strength checks

Axial tensile, compressive and bending strength checks are carried as per section 4, 5 and 6 of IS800:1984 respectively without considering the effect of buckling (only local).

Combined local effects

The section is checked against all the applied forces (except bearing) using the appropriate equations in IS800:1984 7.1.1.b, 7.1.2 and 7.1.4.

# Buckling Checks

Following Buckling checks or member checks are carried out at for every member. See BS5950-1:2000 buckling checks for details.

Major and Minor axis axial buckling strength check

Axial compression strength checks will be carried along major axis and minor axis as per the section 5 of IS800:1984.

Lateral Torsion buckling strength check

The member is checked against lateral torsion buckling strength as per IS800:1984 6.2.3 and 6.2.4.

If a member has an Equivalent Uniform Moment Factor override specified, this is used in place of for lateral torsional buckling check and design (IS800:2007 clauses 8.2.2 and 9.3.2.

Buckling interaction strength check

These checks are carried out for the appropriate equations stipulated in section 7 of IS800:1984.

# IS800:2007 (Working stress method)

The input data requirements and checks that are the similar to for BS5950-1:2000. See BS5950-1:2000 for more details

Effective Net Area Factor ()

The rupture strength of a section connected through one or more elements of section is affected by shear lag. To comply with IS800:2007 6.3.3 and 6.3.4, the Effective net area factor (Beta) is used to compute the design tensile strength of such sections to account for tearing of net section.