# Anaysis task view right-click menu

Clicking the right mouse button when the cursor is pointing at an item in the Task view displays a floating menu that relates to that item.

This menu allows new tasks to be created, tasks to be edited, results deleted and analyses selected and run. So for example a modal analysis task can be edited so that the maximum number of iterations can be increased if convergence has not been achieved.

The context sensitive menu splits the options into three main categories:

  • General options – this allows new tasks to be created, all results to be deleted and analyses to be started.
  • Task specific options – these allow tasks to be edited, renamed, deleted, selected for analysis or their properties inspected.
  • Case specific options – these allow cases to be renamed, their results to be deleted or their properties inspected.

# General options

In the context sensitive menu the general options and paste are always present (although some options may be disabled):

  • New analysis task – opens the Analysis wizard to allow definition of a new analysis task.
  • Paste as new task – pasting a new task (or tasks), appending to the existing tasks (see Copy and paste tasks and cases)
  • Enabled – toggle the enabled status of tasks
  • Enable all – re-enable all tasks
  • Analyse enabled tasks – starts the analysis of all marked tasks
  • Erase results for enabled tasks
  • Delete all tasks
  • Manage tasks – opens a dialog which allows tasks to be quickly marked for analysis and for deletion of the task/task results.
  • Terminate analysis
  • Batch analysis – this allows the solver to run without asking for any user intervention. If the Save file after batch analysis setting in the Miscellaneous preferences is set then the data file is automatically saved to disk upon successful completion of the analysis.
  • Show description – this displays the case description rather than the case name in the Task view.

# Task specific options

When a task is selected the context sensitive menu is expanded to include:

  • Open – opens the Analysis wizard to allow the task to be modified. This can be used to completely redefine the task, but it is more often used to modify parameters or add new analysis cases. If the task is post-analysis the task cannot be edited but there is and option on the last page of the wizard to delete results for specific cases.
  • Copy – copy the selected task (see Copy and paste tasks and cases)
  • Analyse
  • Erase results – erases the results from the selected task and any associated tasks.
  • Delete – deletes the selected task and any associated tasks.
  • Rename – equivalent to in-place editing of the task name.
  • Properties – to display a summary of this task in the Message pane.
  • Check data for task

# Case specific options

When a case is selected the context sensitive menu is expanded to include:

  • Edit case – opens the Case definition dialog to allow the case to be modified. This can be only be used for static analysis options when no results are present.
  • Delete case / Delete case results – depending on the status of this case one or other option will be offered. It is not possible to delete results when other results are dependent on these (e.g. results referred to by an analysed analysis envelope cannot be deleted).
  • Rename case – equivalent to in-place editing of the case name.
  • Properties for case