# Use of axis sets

Axis sets are used widely in GSA. Some of the uses are

  • locating construction grids in space
  • node definition
  • applying constraint to nodes
  • orientation of spring, mass and 2D elements
  • orientation of loads
  • orientation of assemblies
  • examination of results

Note that cylindrical and spherical user defined axes cannot be used in some situations. The following table summarises the use of cylindrical and spherical axes in GSA.

Feature Cylindrical & spherical axes available
Constraint Axes: yes
Restraints yes
Joints (in GSS) yes
Joints (in GsRelax) no
Rigid Constraints no
Constraint Equations no
Link Elements no
Settlements yes
Grid Planes no
2D Element Properties yes
Node Loads yes
Applied Displacements yes
Beam Loads no
2D Element Loads no
Current Grid Axes yes
Output Axes yes (but data dependent)