# Output By Case, By Property, By Group
The default sequence of lines in a table of output that includes an entity number and a case number per line is that the entities are output in ascending order and the cases are output in ascending order for each entity. This sequence may be altered by selecting By Case, By Property or By Group in the Output Settings dialog box.
Selecting By Case causes the table to be split into separate tables per case.
By Property – causes the table to be split into separate tables per element or member property. The element type is considered when separating the tables so, for example, if there are beam elements with property one and spring elements with property one these will appear in separate tables. However, Beams and Bars of property one will appear in the same table since they share the same property.
By Group – causes the table to be split into separate tables per element or member group.
By Property and By Group do not affect tables of nodal data.