# Loads components


GSA-Grasshopper plugin [GsaGH] is pre-release and under active development, including further testing to be undertaken. It is provided "as-is" and you bear the risk of using it. Future versions may contain breaking changes. Any files, results, or other types of output information created using GsaGH should not be relied upon without thorough and independent checking.

# Components

Component Name Description
Element loading
GravityLoad Create gravity load Create a gravity Load from a global Grasshopper Vector3d and a magnitude.
NodeLoad Create node load Create a Node Load applied to existing Nodes applied to existing Nodes. The inputs can be GSA nodes or Grasshopper point objects.
BeamLoad Create beam load Create a beam Load applied to existing [Member1D]s or Element1D. When applied to a [Member1D], the load is distributed to all the [Element1D]s contained in the member. When the model is opened in GSA the link from the load to the member is lost.
FaceLoad Create face load Create a face Load applied to existing [Member2D]s or [Element2D]s(/explanations/gsagh-element2d-parameter.html).
Grid loading
PointLoad Create grid point load Create a point Load for a given GridPlaneSurface.
LineLoad Create grid line load Create a line Load for a given GridPlaneSurface.
AreaLoad Create grid area load Create an area Load for a given GridPlaneSurface.
Grid plane surface
GridPlane Create grid plane Create the Grid plane part of a GridPlaneSurface.
GridSurface Create Grid Surface Create the Grid surface part of a GridPlaneSurface.
Get properties
GridPlaneProperties Grid plane surface properties Get properties of a GridPlaneSurface.
LoadInfo Load properties Get properties of a Load.