# Find, replace, go to and modify in tables
# Find
Use the Edit > Find (Ctrl+F) menu command or the Find button on the Data Options toolbar to find specified text or numbers in a Table. The Find dialog box appears:
- Specify the exact entry you wish to find. This can be made case sensitive by checking the Match case box.
- Choose to search the whole table or a just a selection. Note: if a selection is required, it must be highlighted before choosing the Find command.
- Choose to search up or down from the current cell. Once the end of the table is reached, the search reverts back to the beginning of the table.
- Click the Find next button to find the first matching entry, and again for each subsequent matching entry. GSA displays a warning message if the specified text is not found.
# Go to
To find a specific record or page, use the Edit > Go to (Ctrl+G) menu command or the Go to button on the Data options toolbar. The record/page can be specified in several ways:
Command | Go to |
n | n go to record/page |
n + | records n go forward by |
- n | records n go back by |
+ | go to next non-blank record |
- | go to previous non-blank record |
* | go to highest non-blank record/page |
# Replace
Use the Edit > Replace (Ctrl+H) menu command or the Go to button on the Data options toolbar to perform a search, or to replace the specified text or numbers. The Replace dialog box appears:
- Specify the new entry you wish to replace the existing entry.
- Upon finding a matching entry, click the Replace button,
or you can choose to replace all matching entries.
# Modify
Use the Edit > Modify (Ctrl+M) menu command or the Modify button on the Data options toolbar to modify numerical cell entries. Cells containing text remain unmodified.
This opens the Table view modify dialog box. The modifications specified here are applied to every cell value in the selection or the whole table view. Specify the modify by value to be used in one of the following ways:
- Add: Add the value in the Modify by box
- Factor: Factor by the value in the box
- Power: Raise to the power of the value in the box
- Absolute: Modify the selection to the absolute value (the modify by is ignored in this case)