# Section modifier parameter


GSA-Grasshopper plugin [GsaGH] is pre-release and under active development, including further testing to be undertaken. It is provided "as-is" and you bear the risk of using it. Future versions may contain breaking changes. Any files, results, or other types of output information created using GsaGH should not be relied upon without thorough and independent checking.


# Description

A Section Modifier is part of a Section and can be used to modify section's analytical properties without changing the profile. By default the Section Modifier is unmodified.

# GSA reference

Section Modifiers

# Properties

Icon Name Description
Unit Area modifier Effective area modifer defined by a unit number as either Area or Ratio.
Unit I11 modifier Effective second moment of area about the primary axis (Iyy or Iuu, depending on the axis of bending set with the Principle bending axis input) modifier defined as either AreaMomentOfInertia or Ratio.
Unit I22 modifier Effective second moment of area about the secondary axis (Izz or Ivv, depending on the axis of bending set with the Principle bending axis input) modifier defined as either AreaMomentOfInertia or Ratio.
Unit J modifier Effective polar or torsional moment of area modifier defined as either AreaMomentOfInertia or Ratio.
Unit K11 modifier Effective shear area in the major axis (Kyy or Kuu depending on the axis of bending set with the principle bending axis input) modifier defined as a Ratio.
Unit K22 modifier Effective shear area in the minor axis (Kzz or Kvv depending on the axis of bending set with the principle bending axis input) modifier defined as a Ratio.
Unit Volume modifier Volume (per length) modifier defined as either VolumePerLength or Ratio.
Unit Additional mass Additional mass (per length) modifier defined as either as LinearDensity or Ratio.
Boolean Principle bending axis Set if using the principal (u,v) axis for bending, otherwise the local (y,z) axis will be used.
Boolean Reference point centroid Set if using the centroid as the Analysis reference point, otherwise the Specified point will be used.
Integer Stress option type Set the stress calculation option; (0) No calculation, (1) Use modified or (2) Use unmodifier.