# Animation

The image can be animated to produce an apparently continuous motion of the image in the Graphic View. The animation can be by bouncing the image between its deflected and undeflected positions or by stepping through a list of cases. The image can also be automatically rotated about the vertical (global Z) axis through the object point.

When the case list for the Graphic View is a list of several load cases or several result cases (i.e. analysis cases or combination cases) then the animation is by stepping through the list of cases. Note that a case list comprising a mix of load cases and result cases does not satisfy this rule. Thus a case list 1 to 5, which, in the typical situation, is equivalent to L1 to L5 A1 to A5 would not produce animation by stepping through cases whereas A1 to A5 C1 to C5 would.

When not animating cases and the deformed shape is switched on animation is of the deformation. When the deformed image is of a mode shape the animation bounces between full positive and full negative deflection.

Animation is activated by giving the Graphics > Display > Animate command. Animate is also available on the Graphic display toolbar. Before animation commences there is often a pause while the program assembles the images that make up the animation sequence.

While the image is animating the image can be rotated, zoomed and panned and the perspective view eye distance can be adjusted. All of these operations can be carried out using the mouse when the Rotate cursor mode is current.

The legend is not displayed during animation.

Animation can be cancelled by giving either the Animate command or the Stop command on the GSA toolbar. Giving any command that cannot be acted on during the animation will also cause the animation to stop.

Various animation settings can be specified using the Graphics > Display > Settings > Animation settings menu command. Giving this command opens the Animation settings dialog box.