# Colour in graphic views

The overall colour of graphic views, such as whether colour or monochrome, or whether light or dark background, can be adjusted via the Graphic fonts and styles settings.

The colour in which elements and members are displayed may be by element type, element property, element group, element material, or by the initial analysis stage in which the element is represented. This can be adjusted via the Display methods colour elements setting.

The default colours assigned elements and members can be overridden by explicitly defined colour. Explicit colour can be assigned to elements, members, materials, properties, and analysis stages. Depending on the display methods colour elements setting:

  • When colours are by type then the colour assigned to the entity is used.
  • When colours are by property then the colour assigned to the respective property is used.
  • When colours are by group explicit colours are ignored.
  • When colours are by pool explicit colours are ignored.
  • When colours are by analysis material then the colour assigned to the analysis material is used.
  • When colours are by material type explicit colours are ignored.
  • When colours are by material grade then the colour assigned to the material grade is used.
  • When colours are by initial stage then the colour assigned to the analysis stage is used.

Assignment of explicit colours is either by use of the Graphics > Modify colour of selection command, having first selected the entities that are to be modified, or by right-clicking on an entity and giving the Modify colour of this command.

  • These commands open the Select colour dialog.
  • The selected colour is indicated by a colour swatch, and the derived colour-wash, by the partially hidden colour swatch.
  • Whether it is the explicit colour of the entity, property, material, or analysis stage that is modified, this is determined by the current display methods colour elements setting. E.g. if the colour elements setting is by property then it is the colour of the property that is modified.
  • Setting the colour to undefined unsets the explicit colour assignment.

The last colour assigned is sticky, in as much as that the Select colour dialog remembers the last colour specified. The right-click Pick colour of this command sets the remembered colour to the colour of the entity that was right-clicked, as displayed; e.g. this would be the colour of the property if the colour elements setting is by property.

All explicit colour assignment can be removed by using the Graphics > Clear colour modifications menu command.

Note: Explicit colour assignment can also by applied via Table views.