# GSA 10.2 Release Notes

# Build 10.2.0

September 2023

GSA 10.2 introduces exciting new features: member loading, custom output views, toolbar for model coordination and improved member-element synchronisation checks. It also includes a number of fixes related to entity definition, materials, analysis results file saving and many additional API improvements.

# Features

# Loading

  • Uniform loads can be applied to members (in the design layer). [GSA-4457] This includes the following load types:
    • 1D entity loading: uniform beam loads, prestress loads, thermal loads
    • 2D entity loading: uniform face loads, prestress loads, thermal loads
    • 3D entity loading: uniform thermal loads
  • Loading diagrams and contours are displayed on the design layer. [GSA-6789]

# Output views

  • Create Custom output views for 1D members to combine any selection of geometry, property, analysis and design results all in one table. These custom output views are saved with the GSA file and are automatically updated as the model changes. See the Custom output views references for more information and the How-to guide for step-by-step instructions. [GSA-6824]
  • Display expanded case descriptions for permutations for results in output views by going to further options and checking "Expand permutation case description".
  • Right-click in any open output view and select "Copy Output" to copy a selection or the entire output. This function copies the entire output or the selected content if a selection exists to clipboard. [GSA-6711,GSA-6768]

# Member and element coordination

  • The Model coordination toolbar gives easy access to create or delete elements from members and member-element synchronisation tools. [GSA-1806]
  • 2D members now have a mesh mode option to allow tri-only, mixed quad/tri and quad-only meshing. Previously all members used the default mixed option, which is still recommended for as a good option for minimising the number of triangle elements while maintaining good mesh quality. [GSA-6990]
  • When creating elements from members, GSA gives the option to skip the step of splitting badly shaped quad elements into triangles (e.g. if an all-quad analysis mesh is required). [GSA-7003]
  • Member and element relationship checks are carried out before analysing the model. Inconsistencies will be reported in the analysis report. [GSA-7016,GSA-2423]
  • Member and element synchronisation checks report any identified geometry differences between member and element for 2D and 3D members. [GSA-7017]
  • If there are duplicated elements associated with a member, they can be detected when running member and element synchronisation checks. [GSA-7034]
  • Group and dummy status can be synchronised between members and elements. [GSA-7013,GSA-5947]
  • Member attributes that affect analysis results are locked when a model has results. [GSA-6914]
  • When a load is applied to a member that is out of sync with its constituent elements, a warning is displayed in the analysis report. [GSA-7018]


  • GSA .NET API has a function to set Load Case specification. [GSA-6597]
  • GSA .NET API has a function to work with Grid Lines. [GSA-6598]
  • GSA .NET API has a function to work with uniform 1D/2D thermal loading. [GSA-6757]
  • GSA .NET API has the ability to get Name and Definition of a load combination object. [GSA-6826]
  • GSA .NET API has a function to draw graphics of a model in the form of Lines, Meshes and Annotation objects. This can be used to draw 3D sections, result and load diagrams. [GSA-6859]
  • GSA .NET API fields and methods marked as deprecated in previous version have been removed. [GSA-7040]
  • When opening a model with GSA .NET API, it is possible to detect if the file has been saved with a more recent version of GSA. [GSA-7157]
  • Analysis logs are available through the API. [GSA-7187]

# Analysis

  • By default, new modal analysis will use the Specta eigensolver which is 4 to 5 times faster than the previous default ("subspace iteration"). [GSA-6740]

# Fixes

# Member and element definition

  • Member element geometry checks produce the same results on Update elements from members and Update members from elements operations. [GSA-7197]
  • Deleting or recreating elements from members no longer removes nodes used only by dummy members. [GSA-6946]
  • Nodes only used by dummy members are no longer displayed as unused in the graphics. [GSA-6946]
  • Member offsets output for members with more than two nodes (e.g. 2D members) has been fixed. [GSA-7002]
  • GSA no longer produces extremely elongated cutouts when 1D and 2D member (with automatic internal offsets) are nearly co-planar. The cutouts now only occur when the angle between the 2D member's normal the the 1D member's x axis is less than 60 degrees. [GSA-7048]
  • 1D void cutter members and 2D member auto internal offsets include member and section offsets. [GSA-7049]
  • Element GWA works correctly for parent member in replicas. [GSA-7115]
  • GSA no longer crashes when pasting constituent elements that have undefined topology. [GSA-7189]
  • GSA no longer crashes when deleting member's constituent elements if the member has blocks. [GSA-7268]
  • GSA no longer crashes when a node's target element size is set to a negative value. [GSA-6709]
  • GSA no longer crashes on defining 1D generic member on member table even though its constituent elements are ill-defined. [GSA-7193]
  • GSA calculates the direction cosines correctly for all 3D (solid) elements. [GSA-5728]
  • 1D member automatic offsets are correctly calculated for explicit members. [GSA-7240]

# Materials

  • Non-linear material curves for some grades of concrete in Eurocodes and IRC-112-2011 no longer contains irregularities. [GSA-7276]
  • Mohr-Coulomb materials can now be successfully defined in the Material wizard. [GSA-5875]

# Analysis results

  • Assembly displacements from response spectrum analysis give the same displacements as nodal displacements. [GSA-5251]
  • The story drift results are now correct from response spectrum analysis with SRSS combination. [GSA-6805]
  • Spring element displacement results are reporting the correct results for each position along the element. [GSA-5923]
  • GSA provides a more detailed breakdown of the time it took to complete different stages of analysis in the analysis report. [GSA-7081]
  • GSA consistently reports the effective mass ratio in the analysis report when running a Modal P-Delta analysis. [GSA-6982]
  • Analysis task reports are created when analysing via APIs. [GSA-7253]
  • Explicit and Masil solvers report a pre-analysis checking message. [GSA-7287]

# Design

  • The damping value for ASCE 7-10 is correctly assigned as 5%. [GSA-3047]
  • GSA no longer crashes when using the Irish National Annex to Eurocode 3. [GSA-6902]

# File saving

  • GSA correctly stores user unit preferences for time - Medium and Long. [GSA-7039]
  • GSA can write angle to a GSA file on saving and read it back on opening. [GSA-7139]
  • Models saved by GSA 8.7 with corrupt bridge loading specification can be written to file without error. [GSA-6951]
  • 2D member reinforcement can be read from GWA. [GSA-7001]


  • GSA .NET API always reports Analysis Case result values in the Axis default for selected result type. [GSA-6746]
  • Grid surface names are validated before being added to the model using the GSA .NET API. [GSA-6766]
  • GSA .NET API always reports Combination Case result values in the Axis default for selected result type. [GSA-6819]
  • GSA .NET API prevents analysis of models with invalid input. [GSA-7307]
  • GSA .NET API throws an exception if unable to open a model, deprecating the ReturnValue enum. [GSA-7188]
  • GSA .NET API has the ability to change Strain and Temperature units. [GSA-7031]
  • It is possible to retrieve results for non-linear combination cases through the GSA .NET API. [GSA-5724]

# Other

  • The Command toolbar is disabled when a model has results, to avoid potential invalid modifications to the model if used. [GSA-7029]
  • Some entity properties that don't affect analysis (such as name and colour) can be edited in the tables while the model has results. [GSA-7033]
  • It is no longer possible to use the replace function to modify loading of an analysis task that has results. [GSA-7199]
  • Assembly labeling options are accessible from the Labels pane when on the design layer. [GSA-6994]
  • The Label pane displays polyline information in line with the label and Display wizard. [GSA-6663]
  • GsRelax tasks read properly and are not confused with explicit static tasks. [GSA-6953]

# Deprecated features

  • GsaShell functionality has been deprecated. [GSA-6849]