# Custom output views

Custom output views allow the user to display any combination of attributes and results in one table (i.e. mix and match from section properties and steel designer results in one table). Custom output views are saved as a template with GSA files. This enables refreshed results and properties under the specified headers each time the view is opened. For now, this view type is limited to 1D members only.

To create a new Custom output view go to Output > right click on 1D member custom outputs > Create Custom Output or go to View> Create Custom Output.

When multiple Custom output views have been created, they will appear as a stacked list in the Explorer pane. Right click on the individual view to Open, Edit or Delete it.

To modify a Custom output view, the Custom Output Wizard can be accessed from an open view by using Ctrl+W, or using right click in the view and selecting Edit custom output.

The wizard can also be accessed from the Explorer pane using right click on the name of the Custom output view and select Edit custom output from the menu.

# Definition

# Name

The name is the identifier for the specific Custom output view created by the user as it will appear in the header and in the explorer. This field is required to differentiate between Custom output views, especially should you create more than one.

# 1D member list

This list describes the members to be included in the Custom output view. It uses GSA's lists and embedded lists syntax. (Example: 1 11 to 20 step 2 P1 not (G1 to G6 step 3) P11 not (Z4 XY55).)

# Case list

This list describes the cases to be included in a Custom output view. It uses GSA's lists and embedded lists syntax. (Example: 1 L1 M1 A1 C1 C2p1 A3 to A5 T1.)

# Datasets - Properties

Items selected in this list represent the member attributes to be included in the Custom output view. These attributes can be displayed after analysis of the requested case. The order in which each header appears is dependent on which header is selected first.

# Datasets - Results

Items selected in this list represent the member results to be included in the Custom output view. Results can only be displayed after analysis of the requested case. The order in which each header appears is dependent on which header is selected first.