# Wizard : Graphic settings

The Wizard: Graphic settings dialog box allows the parameters that govern the format and content of graphic views to be specified. All Graphic view settings can be specified either in this Graphic settings dialog box or in dialog boxes accessible from this.

The default Graphic view settings are stored as preferences. Refer to Working with the program: Default view settings for details.

Open this dialog box by giving the Graphics > Graphic settings (Ctrl+W) menu command or the Wizard button on the Data options toolbar when the current view is a Graphic view.

# Definition

# View name

When specified and when the legend is displayed, this text appears at the top of the legend, both on the screen and on printed output.

This is also the saved view name.

# Structure scale: Scale

Specifies the scale at which the structure is to be drawn. This is disabled when Do scale to fit is checked.

# Structure scale: Lock Scale

When checked the specified scale is not affected by changing the window size or sending the image to a printer. This setting is overridden by any scale to fit or zoom operation.

# Structure scale: Do scale to fit

When checked a scale to fit is done. This operation modifies the scale, eye to object distance, object point and mid-point.

The Scale to fit option on the Orientation toolbar may also be used to do this.

# Structure scale: Engineering scale

When checked any scaling to fit produces an engineering scale.

# Structure scale: Printed image

When the printed image scale method is set to Auto, the scale used for printing is based on the current scale on the screen and whether this was scaled to fit, zoomed or explicitly defined. When the printed image scale is specified then this is used for printed output regardless of the current scale on the screen. Refer to Scaling for printed output (and changed window sizes) for details.

# Shrink elements

When checked the size of drawn elements is reduced by the preferred shrink factor. Details are given in Shrinking elements.

This may also be set using the Graphics > Display > Shrink menu command or via the Display toolbar.

# Shade surfaces

When checked the shade of colour filled surfaces is adjusted according to the current lighting settings. Details are given in Shading surfaces.

This may also be set via the Display toolbar.

# Highlight edges

When checked, intended and unintended edges of the structure are highlighted. Details are given in Highlighting element edges.

This may also be set using the Graphics > Display > Highlight edges menu command or via the Display toolbar.

# Case list

Specifies the list of cases, nodes, elements or members to be represented in diagrams, contours and the deformed shape. This is ignored for data that is case independent.

Note that, while typically a single case will be specified, a list of cases can be specified to result in diagrams and deformations being superimposed for all cases. Contours are only displayed for one of the cases in the list.

Refer to the list syntax for details.

The cases may also be specified on the Lists toolbar associated with the view.

When checked, diagrams and contours for each case specified in the case list are printed separately. See Printing from graphic views. This also affect the saving of the image file.

Note that when 'Recalculate extents of displayed data on change of case' in the Graphics preferences is checked and the data scale is not locked in the Further options dialog box for the contour or diagram the data scale will be recalculated for each case.

# Entities: Node list / element list / member list

Specifies the list of nodes, elements or members that are to be drawn.

When the Analysis layer is being displayed only elements that are connected to nodes in the node list and included in the element list are drawn.

When the Design layer is being displayed only members that are connected to nodes in the node list and included in the member list are drawn.

Refer to the list syntax for details.

The entities may also be specified on the Lists toolbar associated with the view. Selecting All on this toolbar resets all entity lists to 'all' (and deletes any specified volumes).

# Entities: Clear all volumes

When checked, any specified volumes are deleted. A description of the use of volumes is given in Volume clipping.

Note that selecting All on the Lists toolbar associated with the view also has the effect of deleting any specified volumes (and resets all entity lists to “All”).

# Entities: Display excluded faint

When checked, entities excluded from display, whether by exclusion by volume or display list, are drawn faint, rather than not at all. (Auto-scaling ignores excluded entities regardless of this setting.)

# Layer: Analysis (elements) / Design (members)

Select Analysis to display the analysis model and Design to display the design model.

Refer to Analysis and design layers for details.

# Stage

Select the analysis stage to be displayed.

Refer to Analysis stages for a discussion on this topic.

# Legend: Show legend panel

When checked, the legend is displayed.

This may also be set using the Graphics > Display > Legend display (Ctrl+Alt+L) menu command.

Note that the same information may be displayed in a message box by giving the Graphics > View legend menu command. In this circumstance the contour colour panel is excluded.

# Legend: Width of legend panel

The width of the legend panel is set to this size in mm on the picture.

# Legend: Picture area to exclude legend panel

When checked, the picture area used for the legend is used exclusively for the legend and that used for the display of the image is reduced by the width of the legend panel. Otherwise the legend is superimposed on the image.

Automatic scaling is based on the picture area, – excluding the legend panel when this option is checked.

# Apply

Applies the current settings to the image without exiting the dialog box.

# Copy

Copy all of the current view settings to the clipboard in text format, GWA syntax).

# Paste

Paste the view settings from the clipboard. The view settings must be in text format, GWA syntax.

# Reset display

Resets all settings except the data type to the default view settings.

Refer to Working with the program: Resetting the display for details.

This may also be set using the Graphics > Display > Reset display menu command or via the Display toolbar.

# Other settings

All of the options in this group open the respective settings dialog box. Other ways of accessing these settings are as follows.

LabelsGraphics > Display > Labels and display methods menu command or via the Display toolbar. Commonly used labelling options are available on the Labels toolbar.

DeformationGraphics > Display > Settings > Deformation settings menu command. The deformed image may be switched on or off via the Display toolbar.

ContourGraphics > Display > Settings > Contour settings menu command or via the Display toolbar. Commonly used contour options are available on the Contours toolbar.

DiagramGraphics > Display > Settings > Diagram settings menu command or via the Display toolbar. Commonly used diagram options are available on the Diagrams toolbar.

AnimationGraphics > Display > Settings > Animation settings menu command.

OrientationGraphics > Orientation > Orientation settings menu command.

LightingGraphics > Orientation > Lighting settings menu command.

UnwrapGraphics > Orientation > Unwrap settings menu command.

Further details can also be found in Working with graphic views, Working with saved views and preferred views and Working with sets and lists.