# Further options

The Further Options dialog box allows less frequently used parameters that govern the display of contours and diagrams to be specified.

Open this dialog box from the Contour Settings or Diagram Settings dialog box.

# Definition

Scaling, scale

Specifies the scale at which the contour or diagram is to be drawn (but see also “Factor by” below). This is disabled when “Do auto-scale” is checked.

When contouring the scale is used in the contouring of nodal data for the diameter of the balloons and 1D element data for the diameter of the barrels. Scaling does not come into the contouring of 2D element data.

Scaling, factor by

The calculated or specified scale is factored by this amount to arrive at the total scale used.

The “Double size of diagrams” and “Halve size of diagrams” options on the Graphic Display toolbar adjust this value.

# Scaling, lock scale

When checked the specified scale is not affected by any auto-scaling.

# Scaling, do auto-scale

When checked, an auto-scale is done. See Scaling of diagrams, contours and deformations for details.

The “Rescale data” option on the Graphic Display toolbar may also be used to do this.

# Scaling, engineering scale

When checked any auto-scaling produces an engineering scale. (Defaults to the preference setting for each new contour or diagram specified.)

# Annotation

Specify for which entities this contour or diagram is to be annotated, as follows.

  • Annotation, all – This contour or diagram is annotated for all entities regardless of whether they are selected in the Select for annotation cursor mode.
  • Annotation, by selection – This contour or diagram is annotated for entities selected in the Select for annotation cursor mode.
  • Annotation, none – This contour or diagram is not annotated for any entities regardless of whether they are selected in the Select for annotation cursor mode.

Usually it is convenient to leave the annotation setting set at By selection and use the Select for annotation cursor mode to interactively interrogate the image. When working with contouring and multiple diagrams it is sometime useful to specify which are to be annotated.

# Annotation, full annotation

For 1D element diagrams, when checked diagrams are annotated at each point along the element at which values have been calculated. Otherwise annotation appears at element ends and where the gradient of the diagram changes sign or at the middle of the element if the diagram is constant along the element.

For 2D element contours, when checked annotation is displayed at the element centre and at each node. Otherwise annotation is displayed at the element centre and, if space permits, at each node.

This setting does not switch annotation on. It does affect how annotation is displayed when it is switched on. Refer to Annotating diagrams and contours for more details.

# Apply to

The Apply to group of options determines which entities in the current Graphic View are to have this contour or diagram applied. They are as follows.

  • Apply to, all
  • Apply to, selection – This contour or diagram is to be applied to the currently selected entities. This is only enabled when the cursor mode is Select nodes when the data is nodal or Select elements when the data is per element, and some entities are selected.
  • Apply to, current set – This contour or diagram is to be applied to the same set of entities as it is currently, regardless of the current cursor mode and selection set. This is only enabled when this contour or diagram was previously applied to a selection set.