# Deformation settings

The Deformation settings dialog box allows the parameters that govern the drawing of the deformed image to be specified.

Open this dialog box by giving the Graphics > Display > Settings > Deformation Settings menu command when the current view is a Graphic View. This dialog box may also be opened from the Graphic settings dialog box.

# Draw deformed shape

When checked, the deformed shape is drawn for each case specified in the Cases list on the Lists toolbar.

The deformed shape may also be switched on and off from the Graphic display toolbar.

# Draw initial state (undeformed)

When checked, the undeformed shape is drawn feint whenever the deformed shape is drawn. Otherwise the undeformed shape is not drawn when the deformed shape is drawn.

# Switch off deformed shape when results deleted

When the Switch off deformed shape when results deleted option is checked, the view will be reset to the undeformed shape when the analysis results are removed.

# Scaling, magnification

Specifies the amount by which the displacements are magnified in the deformed image (but see also factor by below). This is disabled when Do auto-scale is checked.

# Scaling, factor by

The calculated or specified magnification value is factored by this amount to arrive at the total magnification factor used when magnifying the displacements for the deformed image.

The Double size of diagrams and Halve size of diagrams options on the Graphic display toolbar adjust this value.

# Scaling, lock scale

When checked the specified scale is not affected by any auto-scaling.

# Scaling, do auto-scale

When checked, an auto-scale is done. See Scaling of diagrams, contours and deformations for details.

The Rescale data option on the Graphic display toolbar may also be used to do this.

# Scaling, engineering scale

When checked any auto-scaling produces an engineering scale. (Defaults to the preference setting for each new Graphic view.)

# 1D element results

Opens the 1D element results dialog box for the specification of the positions along 1D elements at which displacements and forces are to be calculated.

Note that as well as specifying the number of points at which the deformed shape is calculated, the 1D element results settings offered here are also the default settings for all new contour and diagram settings for the current Graphic view.

# Apply

Applies the current settings to the image without exiting the dialog box.

For additional information see Deformed image and Scaling of diagrams, contours and deformations