# Orientation settings

The Orientation settings dialog box allows the orientation, projection and associated data to be explicitly specified. There are many higher level operations that modify these settings indirectly.

Open this dialog box by giving the Graphics > Orientation > Orientation settings menu command. This dialog box may also be opened from the Graphic settings dialog box.

# Definition

# Projection: Perspective view

When checked the image is drawn in a perspective projection. Otherwise the image is drawn orthographically.

# Projection: Eye to object distance

Specifies the distance from the object point to the point at which the model is viewed. The shorter this distance is the greater the effect of a perspective projection.

# Direction of view: Longitude

Specifies the longitudinal position of the eye point, about a vertical axis through the object point. By default, zero longitude produces a view looking in the positive Y direction. 90° longitude produces a view looking in the negative X direction.

# Direction of view: Latitude

Specifies the latitude of the eye point, about a horizontal axis through the object point in the picture plane. By default, zero latitude produces an elevation. 90° latitude produces a plan.

# Object point: X, Y, Z

Specifies the object point in global axes and metres.

# Mid-point: X, Y, Z

Specifies the mid-point in picture axes and metres.

# Picture rotation

Specifies the rotation of the display about the line of sight in degrees. Clockwise rotation is specified by a negative value.

# Apply

Applies the current settings to the image without exiting the dialog box.

See also: Changing the orientation of the image