# Graphic fonts and styles

The Fonts and Styles dialog box allows the fonts and styles of Graphic View entities to be adjusted.

Open this dialog box by giving the Window > Settings > Fonts and styles menu command when the current view is a Graphic View.

In this context Print applies to WMF output as well as printed output and print previews; Screen applies to bitmap output and the screen image.

# Definition

Colour over-rides

Over-ride the default colours to produce Grey in-fill, Black lines, Black text, Black symbols or White background on print or screen.

Negative colours

Inverts the default colours on screen to produce, for example, the image on a black background.

Scaling factors

Factor the default font height or symbol size on print or screen.

Feature size

Specify the Spring coil radius size in mm as drawn. This is used when drawing spring elements.

Specify the Node and 1D entity contour size in mm as drawn. This is used as the contour blob size and barrel width when Constant thickness size on nodes and 1D entities is set in the Contour settings dialog and when values of infinity or no value are being contoured.