# Default view settings

Opening a new Graphic view or Output view opens the view with the default view settings. The default view settings are saved as preference data and may be adjusted to suit personal preferences.

This is done by, first, displaying a Graphic view or Output view with the required settings and then using the View > Save default view Settings menu command (also on the right-click menus for the views). Thereafter, whether in the current GSA session or subsequent sessions, new views will adopt the adjusted default settings.

# Stored data

Since the default view settings are applied to all new graphic and output views, no references to specific data or results modules are stored.

In the case of graphic views this means that no diagrams or contours are stored with the settings. Furthermore, the orientation of the structure is not stored, leaving the Graphic view to default to an orientation that is appropriate for the structure.

While the default Graphic view settings exclude any diagrams or contours, they do include diagram / contour settings, i.e. the settings specified in the Diagram settings dialog and the Contour settings dialog other than the reference to the module that is the subject of the diagram or contour. Such settings may be saved as default by displaying a Graphic view that includes one diagram or contour with the desired settings and saving the default settings for that view; – the diagram or contour will be ignored but the related settings will be saved with the default settings.

The Output view table format, whether space separated tables or tab separated tables, is included with the default Output view settings.

# Using default view settings

Default view settings are applied whenever a new Graphic view or new Output view is opened. These may be opened from the View menu, GSA toolbar and from the View explorer.