# Preferred views

A displayed Graphic view or Output view can be saved as a preferred view. This may be done using the View > Save as preferred view menu command (also on the right-click menus for the views). The preferred view is then given a name and is saved with the preferences. Preferred views may be applied to any model.

For example, a preferred Graphic view might be saved that has node dots labels, element x labels and element shrink switched on. This might then be used for the sculpting of skeletal models.

Up to five preferred graphic views and five preferred output views may be saved.

# Stored data

Since preferred views can be applied to any model, only those settings that are model independent are stored. So, for example, a preferred Graphic view includes the state of the legend and the diagram annotation method but excludes the entity lists and scales.

Preferred graphic views exclude:

  • Structure scaling
  • Case list
  • Entities lists
  • Node and element sets to which diagrams and contours are applied
  • Node and element sets to which annotation is applied
  • Diagram / contour scaling

and include:

  • Structure orientation
  • Labels (but only those applied to all of the model)
  • Display methods
  • One diagram or contour (taking the earliest specified for the view)
  • Diagram / contour settings (but only up to 10 specified contour values)

Preferred output views exclude:

  • Case list
  • Entities lists

and include:

  • Data options, including multiple selection of modules

The option to save the window size and position is given at the time of saving the preferred view.

# Using preferred views

Preferred views may be opened from the View explorer. Preferred view settings may also be applied to an existing view by, on the Lists toolbar for the view, setting the Display option to Views and selecting the required preferred view in the display list. The views display option is not offered when no preferred views or saved views are present in the model.