# Saved views

A displayed Graphic view or Output view can be saved as a saved view. This may be done using the View > Save graphic view and View > Save output view menu commands, respectively (also on the right-click menus for the views).

There is no limit to the number of views that may be saved.

# Stored data

Saved views are stored with the model and all settings are stored, including the current print size and orientation as specified in the Print setup dialog and, optionally, the window size and position. Note the special treatment of units and numeric format, below.

If, when a saved view is displayed, the saved window position is found to be outside the extents of the GSA window then the saved window position is ignored.

# Using saved views

Saved views may be opened from the View explorer. Saved view settings may also be applied to an existing view by, on the Lists toolbar for the view, setting the Display option to Views and selecting the required saved view in the Display list. The Views Display option is not offered when no preferred views or saved views or auto views are present in the model.