# Batch printing and saving views

Saved and preferred graphic views and output views can be printed and saved to file without opening the view in GSA.

When saving to file the format of the saved file is determined by the respective Batch output file format setting in the Miscellaneous preferences dialog.

The options are to print or save to file:

  • A selected view,
  • All views of a type (e.g. all saved graphic views),
  • All marked views of a type (e.g. all tagged graphic views),
  • A selected View list
  • All view lists and
  • All marked view lists

The commands to invoke these options may be given either:

# Marking views for printing and saving to file

Saved and preferred graphic views, output views and view lists can be marked for printing or saving to file by right-clicking on the view in the View explorer and giving the Mark <view name> command. Views can be unmarked by the same process. Marks on saved views are saved with the model. Marks on preferred views are saved with the preferred view settings.