# Output wizard : Further options

The Output wizard: Further options dialog box allows less frequently used parameters that govern the output to be specified.

Open this dialog box from the Wizard: Output settings dialog box.

# Definition

Subject component (tree control)

The selected component is identified as being the subject component. For this to be useful it must be a component of the data that has been selected for output in the Wizard: Output settings dialog box.

The subject component is used in the Data extents of subject component and Envelope subject component only options described below.

Data extents of subject component: Activate extents

When checked, a range of interest, or extents, can be specified. Records in the output in which the subject component does not lie within the specified extents are disregarded, both in the table and in assessing the maxima and minima for the summary.

See subject component, above, for details on specifying what this is.

This is ignored for non-tabular output.

Data extents of subject component: Min. and Max.

These specify the minimum and maximum extents.

Data extents of subject component: Magnitude, signed

When Magnitude is selected the sign (+ or −) of the data values is ignored. Otherwise the sign is taken into account.

Data extents of subject component: Inclusive, exclusive

When Exclusive is selected values within the extents are deemed to be out of range. Otherwise values within extents are within range.

Envelope subject component only

When checked and when the case being output is an enveloping combination case only the subject component is enveloped; coexistent values are output for other components. Otherwise each component is enveloped.

See subject component, above, for details on specifying what this is.

Summary: summarise worst n values

Specifies the number of records of maxima and minima per component to be output in the summary.

Output in spreadsheet format

When checked output for a given entity is concatenated into one line.

Data references

Data references, such as constraint axis references, may be reported either by number, by name or by name and number. If no name is given then the reference is by number, regardless of this setting.

See also:

Enveloping in GSA