# Wizard : Output settings

The Wizard: Output settings dialog box allows the parameters that govern the format and content of output views to be specified. All Output view settings can be specified either in this Output settings dialog box or in dialog boxes accessible from this.

The default Output view settings are stored as preferences. Refer to Working with the program: Default view settings for details.

Open this dialog box by giving the Output > Output settings (Ctrl+W) menu command or the Wizard button on the Data options toolbar when the current view is an Output view.

# Definition

Data (tree control)

The selected data will be output. Many of the items are tables containing several components.

Multiple selection can be made by holding down the Ctrl or Shift key while selecting.

Output of 2D element results: Stress layer

Select whether top, middle, bottom or bending stresses are to be contoured.

This is enabled only when a 2D element result is selected.

Output of 2D element results: Centre values only

When checked, results are output for the centre position on the element only and not the nodal positions.

This is enabled only when a 2D element result is selected.

Output of 2D element results: Average stresses and forces at nodes

When checked, results are averaged across elements at common nodes. (See stress averaging in 2D elements for details.)

This is enabled only when a 2D element result is selected and when Centre values only is not selected.

By case

When checked, data that is output in table format and per case is output in several tables, each table being the output for one case in the cases list. Otherwise each case is output on consecutive lines per entity.

By property

When checked, data that is output in table format and per element or member is output in several tables, each table being the output for one property represented in the element or member list. Otherwise all entities in the corresponding list are output in one table.

In separating the elements into properties heed is taken of the property type, so beam elements with property one will appear in a different table to spring elements with property one.

By group

When checked, data that is output in table format and per element or member is output in several tables, each table being the output for one group represented in the element or member list. Otherwise all entities in the corresponding list are output in one table.

Output table: Output summary

The table is the table of data specified. The summary is a short table of maxima and minima encountered per component of data in the table and, in some cases, the total accumulated in the table. Checking Output table and Output summary switches the output of the table and summary on.

Case list / node list / element list / member list

Specifies the list of cases, nodes, elements or members to be represented in the output. This is ignored for data that is case, node, element or member independent.

Refer to the list syntax for details.

The lists may also be specified on the Lists toolbar associated with the view.


Applies the current settings to the image without exiting the dialog box.


Resets all settings except the data type to the default view settings.


Copy all of the current view settings to the clipboard in text format, GWA syntax.


Paste the view settings from the clipboard. The view settings must be in text format, GWA syntax.


Write the currently specified output to file in tab delimited, comma delimited or HTML format. The output need not have been displayed previously in the Output view and neither does exporting the output to file cause the output to be displayed to the Output view.

Copy output

Write the currently specified output to the clipboard in tab delimited format. The output need not have been displayed previously in the Output view and neither does copying the output to the clipboard cause the output to be displayed to the Output view.

Generate user module

Generate user modules for each case of each component of currently specified output. User modules are only generated for data that are per node or per element. E.g. not properties or modal frequencies.

1D element results

Opens the 1D element results dialog box for the specification of the positions along 1D elements at which displacements and forces are to be output for this view.


Opens the Units dialog box for the specification of the units in which the data are to be expressed for this view.

Numeric format

Opens the Numeric format dialog box for the specification of the numeric format in which the data are to be expressed for this view.


Opens the Axis dialog box for the specification of the axes in which the data are to be transformed for this view.

Further options

Opens the Output wizard: Further options dialog box.

# See also:

Working with output views

Working with saved views and preferred views

Working with sets and lists