# Create Grid Area Load


GSA-Grasshopper plugin is pre-release and under active development, including further testing to be undertaken. It is provided "as-is" and you bear the risk of using it. Future versions may contain breaking changes. Any files, results, or other types of output information created using the plugin should not be relied upon without thorough and independent checking.

Create Grid Area Load

# Description

Create GSA Grid Area Load

Note: This is a dropdown component and input/output may vary depending on the selected dropdown

# Input parameters

Icon Type Name Description
LoadCaseParam Load Case Load Case Load Case parameter
BrepParam Brep Brep (Optional) Brep. If no input the whole plane method will be used. If both Grid Plane Surface and Brep are inputted, this Brep will be projected onto the Grid Plane.
GenericParam Generic Grid Plane Surface Grid Plane Surface or Plane (optional). If no input here then the brep's best-fit plane will be used
TextParam Text Direction Load direction (default z).
Accepted inputs are:
IntegerParam Integer Axis Load axis (default Global).
Accepted inputs are:
0 : Global
-1 : Local
BooleanParam Boolean Projected Projected (default not)
TextParam Text Name Load Name
NumberParam Number Value Load Value

# Output parameters

Icon Type Name Description
LoadParam Load Grid Area Load GSA Grid Area Load