# Load


GSA-Grasshopper plugin is pre-release and under active development, including further testing to be undertaken. It is provided "as-is" and you bear the risk of using it. Future versions may contain breaking changes. Any files, results, or other types of output information created using the plugin should not be relied upon without thorough and independent checking.


# Description

A Load parameter can contain Node Loads, Beam Loads, 2D Element Loads, Grid Loads, and Gravity Loads,

GSA provides a number of different ways to apply loads to a model.

The simplest option is use the Create Node Load component to create nodal loading where forces are applied directly to nodes. This is not recommended for 2D and 3D elements.

The next level of loading applies loads to the elements, either use the Create Beam Load component, or Create Face Load component. In the solver these use shape functions to give loading on the nodes compatible with the elements to which the load is applied.

Grid loading is a different type of loading which is applied to a Grid Plane Surface. An algorithm then distributes this loading from the grid surface to the surrounding elements. This can be useful for models where floor slabs are not modelled explicitly.

Gravity is the final load type create with the Create Gravity Load component. This is different from the other load types as it is specified as an acceleration (in g). This is normally used to model the dead weight of the structure by specifying a gravity load of −1 × g in the z direction.

# Properties

Icon Type Name Description
LoadCaseParam Load Case Load Case GSA Load Case parameter
TextParam Text Name Load name
GenericParam Generic Definition Node, Element or Member list that load is applied to or Grid point / polygon definition
IntegerParam Integer Axis Axis Property (0 : Global // -1 : Local
TextParam Text Direction Load direction
BooleanParam Boolean Projected Projected
UnitNumber Unit Number Load Value or Factor X Value at Start, Point 1 or Factor X
UnitNumber Unit Number Load Value or Factor Y Value at End, Point 2 or Factor Y
UnitNumber Unit Number Load Value or Factor Z Value at Point 3 or Factor Z
UnitNumber Unit Number Load Value Value at Point 4
GridPlaneSurfaceParam Grid Plane Surface Grid Plane Surface GSA Grid Plane Surface parameter

Note: the above properties can be retrieved using the Load Properties component