# Grid Plane Surface


GSA-Grasshopper plugin is pre-release and under active development, including further testing to be undertaken. It is provided "as-is" and you bear the risk of using it. Future versions may contain breaking changes. Any files, results, or other types of output information created using the plugin should not be relied upon without thorough and independent checking.


# Description

A Grid Plane Surface is used by Grid Loads.

A grid plane defines the geometry of a surface, and the load behaviour of the grid plane is defined by a grid surface.

In Grasshopper, a Grid Plane Surface contains both the information of what in GSA is known as a Grid Plane and a Grid Surface

The Grasshopper plugin will automatically create a fitting Grid Plane Surface when using the Create Grid Point Load, Create Grid Line Load or Create Grid Area Load components.

Grid Plane Surfaces can also be created independently using the Create Grid Plane and Create Grid Surface components.

# Properties

Icon Type Name Description
PlaneParam Plane Grid Plane Grid Plane (Axis + Elevation)
IntegerParam Integer Grid Plane ID Grid Plane ID
TextParam Text Grid Plane Name Grid Plane Name
BooleanParam Boolean is Storey? Grid Plane is Storey type
PlaneParam Plane Axis Grid Plane Axis as plane
IntegerParam Integer Axis ID Axis ID
UnitNumber Unit Number Length Elevation Grid Plane Elevation
UnitNumber Unit Number Length Grid Plane Tolerance Above Grid Plane Tolerance Above (for Storey Type)
UnitNumber Unit Number Length Grid Plane Tolerance Below Grid Plane Tolerance Below (for Storey Type)
IntegerParam Integer Grid Surface ID Grid Surface ID
TextParam Text Grid Surface Name Grid Surface Name
TextParam Text Elements Elements that Grid Surface will try to expand load to
TextParam Text Element Type Grid Surface Element Type
UnitNumber Unit Number Length Grid Surface Tolerance Grid Surface Tolerance
TextParam Text Span Type Grid Surface Span Type
NumberParam Number Span Direction Grid Surface Span Direction
TextParam Text Expansion Type Grid Surface Expansion Type
BooleanParam Boolean Simplified Tributary Area Grid Surface Simplified Tributary Area

Note: the above properties can be retrieved using the Grid Plane Surface Properties component