# Model Units


GSA-Grasshopper plugin is pre-release and under active development, including further testing to be undertaken. It is provided "as-is" and you bear the risk of using it. Future versions may contain breaking changes. Any files, results, or other types of output information created using the plugin should not be relied upon without thorough and independent checking.

Model Units

# Description

Get or set the units used by GSA when opening this GSA Model

# Input parameters

Icon Type Name Description
ModelParam Model GSA Model Existing model to get or set units for.
TextParam Text Acceleration Set Acceleration Unit for this Model
TextParam Text Angle Set Angle Unit for this Model
TextParam Text Energy Set Energy Unit for this Model
TextParam Text Force Set Force Unit for this Model
TextParam Text Geometry Set 'Length - large' Unit used for Node Geometry for this Model
TextParam Text Property Dimension Set 'Length - sections' Unit used for Property Dimensions for this Model
TextParam Text Displacement Set 'Length - small' Unit used for Displacement Results for this Model
TextParam Text Mass Set Mass Unit for this Model
TextParam Text Stress Set Stress Unit for this Model
TextParam Text Strain Set Strain Unit for this Model
TextParam Text Temperature Set Temperature Unit for this Model
TextParam Text Time Long Set Time Long Unit for this Model
TextParam Text Time Medium Set Time Medium Unitfor this Model
TextParam Text Time Short Set Time Short Unit for this Model
TextParam Text Velocity Set Velocity Unit for this Model

# Output parameters

Icon Type Name Description
ModelParam Model Model GSA Model parameter
TextParam Text Acceleration Get Acceleration Unit for this GSA Model
TextParam Text Angle Get Angle Unit for this GSA Model
TextParam Text Energy Get Energy Unit for this GSA Model
TextParam Text Force Get Force Unit for this GSA Model
TextParam Text Geometry Get 'Length - large' Unit for this GSA Model
TextParam Text Property Dimension Get 'Length - sections' Unit for this GSA Model
TextParam Text Displacement Get 'Length - small' Unit for this GSA Model
TextParam Text Mass Get Mass Unit for this GSA Model
TextParam Text Stress Get Stress Unit for this GSA Model
TextParam Text Strain Get Strain Unit for this GSA Model
TextParam Text Temperature Get Temperature Unit for this GSA Model
TextParam Text Time Long Get Time Long Unit for this GSA Model
TextParam Text Time Medium Get Time Medium Unitfor this GSA Model
TextParam Text Time Short Get Time Short Unit for this GSA Model
TextParam Text Velocity Get Velocity Unit for this GSA Model