# Get Model Loads
GSA-Grasshopper plugin is pre-release and under active development, including further testing to be undertaken. It is provided "as-is" and you bear the risk of using it. Future versions may contain breaking changes. Any files, results, or other types of output information created using the plugin should not be relied upon without thorough and independent checking.
# Description
Get Loads and Grid Planes/Surfaces from GSA model
Note: This is a dropdown component and input/output may vary depending on the selected dropdown
# Input parameters
Model | GSA Model | model containing some loads |
# Output parameters
Load Case List | Load Cases | Load Cases from GSA Model | |
Load List | Gravity Loads | Gravity Loads from GSA Model | |
Load List | Node Loads | Node Loads from GSA Model | |
Load List | Beam Loads | Beam Loads from GSA Model | |
Load List | Grid Point Loads | Face Loads from GSA Model | |
Load List | Grid Line Loads | Grid Point Loads from GSA Model | |
Load List | Grid Area Loads | Grid Line Loads from GSA Model | |
Load List | Grid Plane Surfaces | Grid Area Loads from GSA Model | |
Grid Plane Surface List | Grid Plane Surfaces | Grid Plane Surfaces from GSA Model |