# Modal analysis details chart
This dialog is accessible from the View > New chart view > Mode details menu command. This allows the user to plot various modal properties as a function of mode number.
# Task
This identifies the task from which the results are to be extracted. This must be either a modal or Ritz analysis, or a response spectrum analysis.
# Output option
The output from this is a bar chart with the result as a function of mode. The options that can be output are selected from:
- Participation factor
- Rotational participation factor
- Effective mass
- Effective inertia
And if the task is a response spectrum task:
- Modal multiplier
- Spectral acceleration
- Elastic base shear
Participation factors and effective mass/inertia are plotted for all three directions (X, Y and Z). The modal multiplier, spectral acceleration and elastic base shear are plotted for each response case.