# Forces on 2D element cut chart

This dialog is accessible from the View > New chart view > Forces on 2D element cut menu command. This allows the user to calculate the force and moment (per unit length) along the cut. Output is in the local axis defined by the grid plane and cut.

# Grid plane

This identifies the grid plane on which the element lie that are to be cut.

# Line defining cut

The line defining the cut can be either a polyline or defined explicitly by a start and end point. If the polyline is associated with a grid plane the elements on this grid plane will be cut. If the polyline is a 2D polyline or if a line is specified the current grid plane will be used.

# Output selection

The output from this is a chart, or set of charts, with the variation of force/moment per unit length along the cut. These results are defined in a local axis for each segment of the polyline where z is the grid plane z axis, y is the direction along the cut (for the current segment) and x is in the outward normal direction from the cut. Thus the in-plane forces on the cut are Nx, and the bending moment about the cut are Mx, and the through thickness shear forces are Qx. Stresses may be averaged or unaveraged.

When output By case is selected a new chart is created for each case. When By component is selected a new chart is created for each selected component. If both by case” and by component are selected then there is a new chart for each case and component.

# Result case

This allows any analysis or combination case (provided it has a single permutation) to be selected for which the displacements of forces will be calculated.