# Manage data

This dialog is accessible from the Model > Manage data menu command. It is only enabled when results are not present.

Offered in this dialog are options to manipulate the data for the model as a whole. Any data management operation that causes nodes or elements to be renumbered also renumbers references to these items in other modules. (This can take a long time for large models.)

Data management of nodes, elements and load cases can be selected for execution in one pass.

# Nodes

Delete blank nodes

Deletes all blank nodes, renumbering subsequent nodes and the references to these in other modules. References to blank nodes are also deleted.

Delete references to blank nodes

Deletes any references to blank nodes. E.g. node loads applied to blank nodes.

Renumber nodes incrementally

Renumbers all nodes in a specified range by a constant increment. The increment can be negative but cannot be such that a node will be renumbered to less than one. If the specified renumbering results in a node being renumbered to the number of an existing node the renumbered node will overwrite the existing. References to renumbered nodes in other modules are also renumbered.

Renumber list of nodes

Renumbers a specified list of nodes. The nodes that are to be renumbered can specified as:

  • an ordered list of nodes – the ‘to’ field must also be an ordered list of the same number of items. E.g. from 11 13 15 to 21 3 25 renumbers node 11 to node 21, 13 to 3 and 15 to 25.
  • a GSA node list – the ‘to’ field must be the new number of the first item in the node list; other node numbers are incremented by the same amount, thereby preserving gaps. E.g. from 2 to 6 step 2 to 102 renumbers node 2 to node 102, 4 to 104 and 6 to 106.

Renumber nodes along vector

Renumbers all nodes progressively along the direction of a specified vector. The vector is specified in global axes. References to renumbered nodes in other modules are also renumbered.

Delete list of nodes

Deletes nodes in the specified list. Nodes that are referenced by elements or members are not deleted. References to deleted nodes in other modules are also deleted.

# Elements

Delete blank elements

Deletes all blank elements, renumbering subsequent elements and the references to these in other modules. References to blank elements are also deleted.

Delete references to blank elements

Deletes any references to blank elements. E.g. beam loads applied to blank elements.

Renumber elements incrementally

Renumbers all elements in a specified range by a constant increment. The increment can be negative but cannot be such that an element will be renumbered to less than one. If the specified renumbering results in an element being renumbered to the number of an existing element the renumbered element will overwrite the existing. References to renumbered elements in other modules are also renumbered.

Renumber list of elements

Renumbers a specified list of elements. The elements that are to be renumbered can specified as:

  • an ordered list of elements – the ‘to’ field must also be an ordered list of the same number of items. E.g. from 11 13 15 to 21 3 25 renumbers element 11 to element 21, 13 to 3 and 15 to 25.
  • a GSA element list – the ‘to’ field must be the new number of the first item in the element list; other element numbers are incremented by the same amount, thereby preserving gaps. E.g. from PB1 to 102 renumbers the lowest numbered element that references beam section 1 to element and other elements that reference beam section 1 are incremented by the same amount.

Renumber elements along vector

Renumbers all elements progressively along the direction of a specified vector. The vector is specified in global axes. References to renumbered elements in other modules are also renumbered.

Delete list of elements

Deletes elements in the specified list. References to deleted elements in other modules are also deleted.

# Properties and materials

Blank unused properties and materials

Deletes unused properties and materials without renumbering anything. If ‘Exclude sections’ is ticked no beam sections are deleted.

Delete blank properties and materials

Deletes all blank properties and materials, renumbering subsequent records and the references to these in other modules. References to blank records are also deleted.

# Loading

Renumber list of load cases

Renumbers a specified list of load cases. The load cases that are to be renumbered can specified as:

  • an ordered list of load cases – the ‘to’ field must also be an ordered list of the same number of items. E.g. from 11 13 15 to 21 3 25 renumbers load case 11 to load case 21, 13 to 3 and 15 to 25.
  • a GSA case list – the ‘to’ field must be the new number of the first item in the case list; other load case numbers are incremented by the same amount, thereby preserving gaps. E.g. from 2 to 6 step 2 to 102 renumbers load case 2 to load case 102, 4 to 104 and 6 to 106.

Delete loads for a list of load cases

Deletes all loads applied in any of the load cases specified in the list of load cases.