# Expand grid loading

This dialog is accessible from the Tools > Grid/face loading > Expand grid/face loading menu command. This expands grid loads and maps them to beam loads. Expanding grid loads is not necessary for grid loads to be used in the solution.

This operation does not report any errors or failure to identify elements on which to place the load, however a check can be made using the Analysis > Check data menu command before carrying out this operation.

# Definition

Grid loading case

The load case that is to be expanded. All grid loads in this case are expanded.

Overwrite grid loading with expanded loads

The grid loads are expanded in the same load case. The expanded loads are retained and the grid loads deleted.

Create new load case for expanded loads

The grid loads are expanded and the expanded grid loads are save in a new load case. The grid loads are retained.

New load case

The load case for expanded grid loads, if the grid loads do not overwrite the grid loads.

See also:

Tolerances specification