# Chart styles : Axis styles

This allows the display of the axes to be adjusted. Similar option exist for both abscissa and ordinate.

Label: The text that is displayed on the axis; this can be displayed in bold or italic. The label can include the tag <UNIT>. In this case the tag will be replaced by the unit associated with this axis, for example if the axis is time and the current units are seconds, <UNIT> will be replaced by [s]. Where the units are not as clearly defined by the curve data a unit string can by forced by including the unit type explicitly in the tag, for example <FORCE>.

Annotation: Check to include the values on the axis.

Major tick marks/Minor tick marks: Check to include on the axis.

Autoscale: Scale chart to fit the data (default). When autoscale is selected there is an option to include the zero value in the autoscale calculation.

User defined: Specify explicit scale.

Axis type: Display as Linear or Logarithmic axes (depending on the data in the curves).

Axis position: Position either on the zero line or at either extremity of the axis.